NSF Nuts & Bolts Webinar hosted by CADRE
Do you have questions about managing or reporting on your NSF project? Join our colleagues at the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE), resource center for the DRK-12 program, for an NSF Nuts & Bolts webinar on managing your NSF-funded project!
NSF Nuts & Bolts Webinar: October 25 | 2-3pm ET
NSF Program Officer Robert Ochsendorf will discuss and answer questions about the ins and outs of managing your NSF award at 2pm EST on October 25th during the NSF Nuts & Bolts webinar! Topics include evaluation and reporting, advisory boards, Institutional Review Boards (IRB), NSF Highlights, and more.
While the direct audience will be DR K-12 awardees, there will be a lot of general takeaways about managing an NSF project. This is a great opportunity for new PIs, co-PIs, project directors, and/or other team members that help manage your project and write reports.
(registration is on a first-come, first-served basis)