
NYSTEEA's 54th Annual 2017 BSTEM Conference


Join all the NYS Technology Teachers for the 54th Annual 2017 BSTEM Conference. It will be held from March 23-24, 2017 in Malta, NY. Building Successful Technology and Engineering Programs for a Meaningful Education for all (BSTEM) The conference will encourage all attendees to Be STEM minded, Be STEM leaders, Be STEM advocates.

Registration is $185. Attendees will have access to all sessions, functions, and the vendor area. Click here to regisiter for the conference.

Lunch on both days and the awards banquet dinner are Included in the pre-registration fee.

All attendees must be a member of NYSTEEA. A one-year membership can be purchased during the registration process at a one-time cost of $50.00.

Members of AMTNYS, STANYS, ITEEA Elementary, or other NYS content area or administrative association members should include proof of 2016-2017 membership.

No pre-registration refunds will be granted after March 1, 2017. The walk-in registration fee WILL NOT include meals. Pre-registration is encouraged. School and personal checks accepted. NO SCHOOL PURCHASE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Contact Dave Banister by e-mail at dbanister@frontier.com to make payment by check.

Please contact Keith Smith at kesmith@jcschools.stier.org for any questions related to the conference.

Two days of CTLE approved professional development that will inspire, motivate and energize your technology education practice. The conference will have practical, hands-on learning sessions taught by leading technology teachers on a variety of topics including 3D printing, Lego Mindstorm, Computer Programming and Engineering by Design. There will be networking opportunities for young professionals, local chapters and the Technology Student Association. New and cutting edge technology education products will be on display. Representatives from manufacturing and engineering companies will be present to discuss opportunities to connect to your classroom. Updates will be available from NYS Department of Education on Continuing Teacher and Leader Education and the Pathways to Graduation. This conference will be the best professional development you will receive all year! Tailored just for technology education teachers, you are not going to want to miss it!

