Public Library Association (PLA) at 2017 ALA Annual Conference - Call for Submissions
Program and Preconference Proposal Form
The Public Library Association (PLA) is now accepting proposals for educational programs and preconferences showcasing public library practices and innovations for the 2017 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, June 22–27, 2017, in Chicago. Program topics should showcase emerging trends and examples of risk-taking in the areas of community engagement, managing space, marketing and advocacy, digital content, technology, programming, leadership, funding, staffing, collections, outcome measures, and more.
Proposal Instructions
You will use your ALA/PLA website login and password to access the proposal form. To log in, click “Submit a proposal“ below, then enter your ALA website login and password. If you don’t have a login or have forgotten it, you will have the option to create or retrieve it on the “Login” page.
You will be able to save your in-process proposal, by clicking the “Save Submission” button, and return to make edits. Click the “Submit” button only when you have completely finished the proposal. You must click the “Submit” button for your proposal to be considered. After clicking “Submit,” your submission will be confirmed with a “thank you” screen. You will also receive a copy of your submission via e-mail. The application deadline is 11:59 PM Central on September 14, 2016.