Webinar: Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind
Founded in 1943, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is the global leader in developing and delivering innovative programs, products, and services that empower educators to support the success of each learner.
The association provides expert and innovative solutions in professional development, capacity building, and educational leadership essential to the way educators learn, teach, and lead.
Webinar: Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind
To register please visit the following link: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=ASCDemail&eventid=1337231&sessionid=1&key=7E03E16AB2543F593A30455A4E866D1E®Tag=&sourcepage=register
Currently, personalized learning is seen as a large umbrella under which many practices fit, each designed to accelerate student learning by tailoring instruction to individuals' needs and skills as they fulfill curricular requirements. We must create the conditions for all educators and students to become immersed in learning experiences in which they have some control over the pursuit: access to information and ideas; regular opportunities for feedback and guidance; and parameters (e.g., sufficient time, clear criteria) that honor the messiness of the work. Their attitudes and dispositions are pivotal to successfully being able to handle the complexity of challenges, problems, and tasks within and beyond school walls.
This webinar introduces participants to the ASCD book, Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind, where authors Bena Kallick and Allison Zmuda describe the four attributes that are at the heart of personalized learning: voice, cocreation, social construction, and self-discovery.The authors will also explore practical examples and actions that are relevant to you—wherever you are on your personalized learning journey.
Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind
Tuesday, January 17, 2017, 3:00 p.m. eastern time (US)
Presented by Bena Kallick and Allison Zmuda