Fostering Interest in Information Technology

2007 - 2012

Eighty high school students, 8 K-12 STEM teachers, and university students in Southeastern Michigan engage in design teams focused on IT-intensive STEM areas including environmental science, robotics, and bioinformatics, using diverse software systems.

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Clean Energy Literacy and Leadership (CELL)

2010 - 2014

Five sites located in underserved, East San Francisco Bay Area urban communities will form a regional network where 300 students from ages 14 to 16 engage in clean energy, ICT and green technologies education, and conduct public outreach activities.

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Improved STEM Preparation Through Humane Gaming Camp

2006 - 2011

Sixty teachers will work with 135 students (particularly girls) from the Denver area to integrate the learning of mathematics, computer science and art as they develop humane computer games and learn skills applicable to a variety of IT careers.

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Scaling up an Innovative Approach for Attracting Students to Computing

2011 - 2018

US college and universities are experiencing a dramatic decline in enrollment of computing majors, despite a predicted, rapid increase in future jobs in the computer science (CS) and information technology (IT) sectors. This reflects a decline in the number of students taking the AP computer science

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