Technology at the Crossroads

2004 - 2007

Two hundred and thirty five middle school students (with a focus on girls) in Boston, Massachusetts use Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geographic Positioning Systems (GPS) and HTML programming to conduct environmental research.

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Nature Works Studios

2004 - 2007

Forty five students (with a focus on African Americans, Latinos, and girls) in Chicago are learning environmental science and using IT to share what they’ve learned with peers and visitors to the Nature Museum.

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Project LA COSTA

2004 - 2007

Project LA COSTA was a three-year, youth-based ITEST project sponsored by the Texas State University - San Marcos. The project created a computer science academy to provide IT experiences for 250 Hispanic students during their 8th-10th grades across 5 central and south Texas school districts

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YES To Technology (YES-2-Tech)

2004 - 2007

Sixty high school students in St. Louis, Missouri develop computer fluency through concrete application experiences such as designing and building a greenhouse. The project introduces teens to real-life technology applications and challenges through ongoing peer and mentoring relationships.

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Game Design Through Mentoring and Collaboration

2007 - 2011

Two hundred middle and high school students in the Washington, DC area with teachers, scientists, and experts to increase their motivation, achievement, and exposure to STEM careers and disciplines through game design, mentoring, and collaboration.

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High School Enterprise

2008 - 2012

Eight diverse teacher-coached High School Enterprise teams, each comprising up to 20 students (160 students total) participate in "virtual" companies that provide technical services and develop products intended for distribution through the marketplace.

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