ITEST project Reach for the Sky is doing more than connecting students to STEM—it has facilitated partnerships between three University colleges, University Extension, the White Earth Tribal College, three Reservation schools, and two businesses.
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As part of ITEST project Reach for the Sky, teams of 4th through 8th grade students are to launch eight spacecraft to the edge of outer space (“near-space" — the upper reaches of the atmosphere, above 80,000 feet).
ITEST project Reach for the Sky brings innovative curricula and activities in STEM disciplines to the White Earth students over a five-week span. This program is particularly beneficial because it makes STEM culturally relevant to local Anishinaabe youth.
The Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) was developed as an observation instrument to provide a standardized means for detecting the degree to which K-20 classroom instruction in mathematics or science is reformed. RTOP consists of 25 items, each using a 5-point Likert scale.
The report includes examples drawn from projects in the national ITEST program which seeks to ensure the breadth and depth of the U.S. STEM workforce.