STEMware - Designing Immersive Biology Learning Simulations for Formal and Informal Settings
The STEMware project brings together collaborators in science and education research, teaching, and industry. Modern biology related scenarios developed by educator-student-scientist partners will be utilized to create STEMware™ - immersive simulations for a virtual lab environment. This resource and supplemental curriculum will be distributed to afterschool programs, home computers, and school sites nationwide. The project incorporates an innovative professional and youth development program in the creation, implementation, and evaluation of STEM based “serious game” software. The project is distributing at least 5,000 copies of STEMware nationwide, providing 48 formal and informal science educators and 24 students in California with 60 hours of professional or youth development via summer workshops and Saturday follow-up sessions during the school year, and offering half-day STEMware training conferences for an additional 800 educators across the nation who will impact thousands of students. Collaborating partners include science departments at the University of California (UC)-Davis and UC-Berkeley, the UC-Davis School of Education, the 4-H Science, Engineering and Technology program, the Biotechnology Teacher Support Network, the California Afterschool Network, and several regional STEM-focused companies.