ITEST projects are presenting at conferences around the country this spring and summer. Details about where and when you can see your colleagues' work are included in this handout for your reference. Conferences include NARST, AERA, ICQI and ISTE!
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Each year, STELAR collaborates with NSF ITEST project teams to submit session proposals to education and research conferences around the country. These sessions broaden awareness about the program and share the program's findings with others in the STEM education and research communities.
In May 2015, seventeen ITEST projects presented videos in the 2015 National Science Foundation Teaching and Learning Video Showcase. Organized by TERC, the showcase contained 112 videos produced by NSF-funded projects associated with one of these resource centers: ARC, CADRE, CAISE, CIRCL,
ITEST project presentations at conferences around the country during Spring and Summer 2015 are included in these handouts for your reference.
Check out these upcoming presentations at NSTA, AERA, ASEE and ISTE. Click on the PDFs for more details about each in the handouts.
Chapter in Mueller, M. & Tippins, D. (Eds.) EcoJustice, Citizen Science and Youth Activism: Situated Tensions for Science Education. Springer International Publishing.
Curriculum and instructional strategies that are personally meaningful are key to engaging students from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
This paper, based on a review of over 200 publications related to approximately 110 ITEST projects, seeks to respond to the broadening participation question in the ITEST solicitation. While all ITEST projects include “broadening participation” as a central goal, we found that publications
This paper focuses on ITEST projects that center on authentic inquiries into locally relevant issues.
In an effort to increase the number of American Indians in technical and leadership positions, local tribal communities are pursuing opportunities for their youth to connect with STEM education that is relevant to their community and honors the Tribe's values.
Back to the Earth (BTTE) is a community-based youth education partnership between the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Spokane Tribe, and the University of Idaho.
Join us for the NSF 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase: Improving Science, Math, Engineering, and Computer Science Education! This online showcase will include brief videos of cutting-edge NSF-funded work to improve teaching and learning.