TREES - Technology, Research, and Ecology Exchange for Students
This strategy project will engage 84 middle school teachers and 2,688 of their students from 6 New York City Title I middle schools in learning and using science, math and IT to research New York City urban ecosystems services of energy, water and biodiversity. Using inquiry, scientific method and project based learning students will acquire 21st century workforce readiness skills while being exposed to the urban jobs connected to the natural infrastructure on which the City depends. The project brings together several partners to achieve its goals and objectives: Columbia University; New York City's Department of Education; Six Title 1 NYC middle schools; and representatives of the public and private sector. Teachers attend a 3 week TREES Summer Institute to train them in Community Ecology and ICT and a model of project based learning, Integrated Projects Week (IPW). Then teachers implement IPW during the academic year. Students will share their data, findings, and Showcase projects through social networks. Teachers will compile and assess practices and promulgate their professional development knowledge through a Learning Community Model. A focus on community ecology links to urban ecosystem goods and services: (1) Water; (2) Energy; and (3) Biodiversity.