This is a reposting of a blog originally published on Education Development Center, Inc.'s Learning and Teaching website.
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Today’s world is a global marketplace driven by technology. Rapid advances in technology have changed both the work we do and how we do it. With the new affordances of the “cyberinfrastructure” we now have access to vast amounts of information online.
In community centers, labs, and classrooms, young people from around the country are diving into STEM learning experiences.
Read about ITEST projects news, conferences and opportunities!
Read about ITEST projects news, conferences and opportunities!
Read about ITEST projects news, conferences and opportunities!
Read about ITEST projects news, conferences and opportunities!
Read about ITEST projects news, conferences and opportunities!
Learn more about the ways that ITEST projects use hands-on activities with educators and youth to promote scientific inquiry.
Learn about the many educators and young people who are using cutting-edge technology to support science learning.
This newsletter is designed to share the exciting work of teachers and students participating in ITEST (Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) projects across the United States.
ITEST projects provide meaningful learning opportunities for youth and their teachers, with a focus on increasing the understanding about possible STEM careers. A subset of the projects that have shown success are being funded to scale up.
This paper aims to share EDC’s learnings from developing and implementing this method including addressing issues of trust between youth and adult team members, appropriately acknowledging youth contributions, balancing the roles of mentors and adult design partners, and making dynamic
This paper summarizes lessons learned from eight years of hosting a national resource center for the ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) program, funded by the National Science Foundation.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program provides a unique opportunity to assess a broad spectrum of professional development projects that share key characteristics but were designed to meet distinct
This article is part of a special issue of the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE). It introduces and summarizes how the six articles describe specific ITEST teacher development projects, provide portraits of these projects, and address important themes that cross ITEST
The ITEST LRC asked four ITEST projects a series of questions about technology use and teaching methods in summer program activities in order to capture insights that can inform program design and practices in other ITEST projects and beyond.
The WGBH Educational Foundation and the Education Development Center, Inc. collaborated to create a series of six individual ITEST project profile videos and multiple video clips submitted by projects and edited by WGBH.
The focus of this literature review is out-of-school time activities in informal environments, a “vastly understudied” set of experiences (Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development 1992), and the role these experiences can have in shaping the direction of youth to pursue
This report outlines the discussions and outcomes of the Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM Convening held at Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA) in September 2011.
The fourth annual MIS report, a program-wide summary of ITEST projects, was released in January 2013.
The second annual MIS report, a program-wide summary of ITEST projects, was released in July 2011.
ITEST Data Brief Volume 1, Issue 3, June 2012
The first annual MIS report, a program-wide summary of ITEST projects, was released in June 2010.
ITEST LRC Data Brief Volume 1, Issue 1
This Data Brief provides a descriptive summary of project findings submitted to the Management Information System by ITEST projects active in 2011-2012.
The 2005 Summit Symposium event brought together ITEST project staff and invited external thought leaders.
The first issue of the Insights and Innovations in STEM Learning series synthesizes learnings from a thematic analysis of ITEST projects’ reported outcomes, challenges, and innovations.
ITEST LRC Info Brief Volume 1, July 2004
This 2010 ITEST Information Brief shares examples and data about how the ITEST program strives to connect workforce development needs and K-12 learning in and out of school.
In this Idea Brief, Principal Investigators from three youth-based ITEST projects discuss how community partnerships strengthen their efforts to recruit and retain diverse participants.
ITEST LRC Data Brief Volume 1, Issue 2
In today's world of high accountability, strong evidence on intended outcomes is key to building credibility and replicability of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs. This primer, for program directors/managers, educators and others
The ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC developed an online database of instruments developed by ITEST project evaluators and researchers from 2003 to 2007.
Preparing Tomorrow's STEM Workforce through Exploration, Equity, and Engagement is a product of the previous ITEST Learning Resource Center (LRC) and includes a series of six articles (plus a preface) highlighting key themes and lessons learned in the first five years of the ITEST program.
ITEST LRC Info Brief Volume 2, September 2004
This report on a webcast hosted by the ITEST Learning Resource Center identifies resources and key success strategies for engaging girls in STEM, offered by an expert panel of speakers from the ITEST community, private sector and research and policy
The ITEST Small Working Group on Computational Thinking (CT) has completed its White Paper titled: Computational Thinking for Youth. The paper aims to describe what computational thinking looks like when practiced by youth in ITEST and
This Idea Brief from the ITEST LRC provides a concise, information-rich reference that reveals what inclusive programs can look like and offers some practical tips for getting there.
The report includes examples drawn from projects in the national ITEST program which seeks to ensure the breadth and depth of the U.S. STEM workforce.
Moderator: Alyssa Na'im
Presenters: Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Sustainable Future; Pam Van Dyck, Evaluation Resources; Karen Yanowitz, CSI; Angelique Tucker Blackmon, Try-IT
Presenters: David Gibson, Global Challenge Award; Steve Bean/Jacob Martinez, Girl Game Company
Presenters: Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Cynthia Newson, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; CREST PIs and participants; Urban Ecology PIs and participants
Presenters: Karen Michaelson, RSSIT; Walt Allan/Jeri Erickson, EcoScience Works; Claudia Morrell, ESTEEM; Mike Barnett, Urban Ecology; Harry Helling, SeaTech
Moderator: Sarita Pillai, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC
Presenters: Chris Dede, PI, Studying Technology-based Strategies for Enhancing Student Interest in STEM Careers through Algebra Curricula in Grades 5-9; Beth McGrath, PI, BISU; Carolyn Staudt, PI, ITSI-SU; Brad Barker, PI, National
Presenter: Tony Streit, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Carrie Parker, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Karen Peterson, National Girls Collaborative; Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Jennifer Adams, attendee; Priti
Presenter: Dan Damelin, RI-ITEST
During this webinar, participants heard from ITEST projects working across the U.S. to learn specific frameworks for fostering and assessing youth motivation and STEM career interest. This webinar discussed recent developments in theory and measurement of youth interest in STEM careers. The
Moderators: Jeanne Chowning, Bio-ITEST; Dina Kovarik, Bio-ITEST
Presenters: Sam Tran, Amgen; Piper Schwenke, NOAA
Presenters: Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Cynthia Newson, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Dr. Kimberly A. Scott, COMPUGIRLS; Dr. Kevin Clark, Game Design Through Mentoring and Collaboration; Dr.
In addition to an NSF cross-program panel and keynote addresses, this Summit featured numerous breakout sessions hosted by ITEST project PIs and evaluators in 4 strands: Shaping educational pathways to STEM careers, Embedding research and assessment into project work,
This Summit's focus was on Using Evaluation-Research Methodology to Inform Workforce Development Strategies and Project Scale-Up. Several of the summit presentations and panels were archived.
This Summit's focus was on New Learning and the New Learner: Harnessing IT to Reinvent the Education Landscape. Key Summit activities addressed these important issues facing our nation's workforce:
Recorded webinar sessions from the Ninth Annual NSF ITEST Summit are linked below.
Presenters: Jacob Martinez, Project Director, Watsonville TEC, Animando a Estudiantes con Technologia (AET); Patrik Lundh, Education Researcher, SRI International, Girls InnovaTE3
Presenters: Svetlana Darche, WestEd; Erin Fender, Career Academy Support Network
Presenters: Daryl Williams, NSF; Ruth Kermish-Allen, CREST; Kevin Clark, Game Design Through Mentoring and Collaboration; Patrik Lundh, Studio STEM; Jacob Martinez, TEC
Presenters: Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Liesl Hotaling, COSEE
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected EDC to continue its role as the resource center for the ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) program.