The world is changing rapidly and so too are the career opportunities available. How can we best support the career development of youth so that they can take full advantage of what the world has to offer? What influences career direction? What elements shaped our own career path?
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The National Science Foundation published NSF 23-115, “Advancing Microelectronics Education” in May 2023 in response to the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (CHIPS Act).
On June 30th STELAR introduced an informative report that extends prior reports on the Future of Work to address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in light of recent historical events.
Dr. Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos of the Program development and Evaluation Institute for Biomedical Policy shares her presentation "How and When to Engage an Evaluator" followed by Dr. Karen Gareis of Goodman Research Group on "Role of the Evaluator on NSF ITEST Grants."
On May 16, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for part two of a three part webinar series on the new Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation.
On May 9th, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for part one of a three part webinar series on the new Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Tea
On August 27, NSF program directors presented and answered questions about this DCL and how it relateed to each of the EHR programs included.
NSF program directors held two previous sessions and recordings are available of this series of webinars.
On Thursday, July 29, STELAR staff member Sarah MacGillivray presented during a poster session held for NSF-grantees at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference.
On June 30, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for an informative webinar on the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation (NSF 19-583).
On June 29, NSF program directors held the second of a series of webinars to present and answer questions about this DCL.
On June 28, STELAR hosted authors Jessica Juliuson, Joyce Malyn-Smith, Sarah MacGillvray, and Clara McCurdy-Kirlis as they presented an overview of the competencies for their publication
On April 27, NSF program directors held the first of a series of webinars to present and answer questions about this DCL. This initial webinar featured the following presentations:
On Thursday, April 15, 3:00 pm STELAR hosted the third webinar in our Proposal Development Course series: Research & Evaluation.
NSF ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit 2019
Living, Learning, and Working in the Digital Age
Thursday, June 13 - Friday, June 14, 2019
Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA
NSF ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit 2019
Living, Learning, and Working in the Digital Age
Thursday, June 13 - Friday, June 14, 2019
Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA
This presentation was provided by NSF DRL Program Officers Mike Steele, Alejandra Sorto, and Amy Wilson-Lopez during the 2019 NSF ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit. The presentation provides a detailed update of changes made to the 2019 ITEST Solicitation (NSF 19-583).
NSF ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit 2019
Living, Learning, and Working in the Digital Age
Thursday, June 13 - Friday, June 14, 2019
Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA
On Thursday, June 20, 3:00-4:30 pm STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers Alejandra Sorto and Amy Wilson-Lopez for an informative webinars on the newly-released 2019 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program Solicitation (NSF 19-583).
NSF ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit 2019
Living, Learning, and Working in the Digital Age
Thursday, June 13 - Friday, June 14, 2019
Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA
On May 28, 2019 STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers Michael Steele, Alejandra Sorto, and Amy Wilson-Lopez for an informative webinar on the newly-released 2019 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and
STELAR hosted NSF Program Officer Robert Russell and Einstein Fellow Brenda Carpenter in the final webinar on the 2018 EAGER Maker Su
On Wednesday, May 30, STELAR hosted NSF ITEST Program Officers Robert Russell and Brian Smith for an informative session on the 2018 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program
In this webinar, learn about individual and group strategies that can help to support your work - current and future.
Webinar 3 - Research & Evaluation
During this webinar we will examine the challenges in designing assessments and measuring cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes in a maker-based project.
This webinar will discuss how making looks like across different settings such as higher education, informal learning environments, and schools with high and low tech.
Make the Force be With You: Workforce Development through Making
Equity and Access at the Human-Technology Frontier: Three Perspectives from the Field
On Thursday, February 22, STELAR presented the third of four webinars in our series exploring the educational and social implications of living, learning and working in a future driven by technology.
Computational Thinking and CT have become a buzz word and buzz acronym in schools and education systems worldwide, yet is still a phrase that invokes confusion and debate. This 2-part webinar unpacked CT and discussed it in the context of non-CS disciplinary learning.
On Thursday, January 25, the STELAR authors of Building the Foundational Skills Needed for Success in Work at the Human-Technology Frontier
STELAR ITEST Summit 2017 Keynote Panel
Career development theory: From theory to practice in ITEST projects
Facilitator: Joyce Malyn-Smith
Keynote: David Blustein, Professor, Boston College
ITEST panelists:
Kimberly Scott
STELAR ITEST Summit Day 2 Keynote Panel, Q&A Session featuring:
STELAR ITEST Summit 2017 Day 2 Keynote Panel, Kimberly A. Scott
STELAR ITEST Summit 2017 Day 2 Keynote Panel, David Blustein
On Wednesday, June 28, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers David Haury and Robert Russell for an informative session on the 2017 Innovative Technology Experiences for
On Thursday, July 28, STELAR hosted a special webinar on behalf of the National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) highlighting funding opportunities within EHR especially aimed
With the resurgence in interest in Career Technical Education (CTE), this webinar provides information about the current state of CTE, its reach, impact, and the current trends in policy and practice at the state and federal levels.
NSF ITEST projects are an ideal testbed for researching what it takes to create robust pathways leading towards high-demand technology-centered careers.
On Thursday, November 3, STELAR hosted NSF Program Officers Bob Russell and Erick Jones as they presented a webinar on National Science Foundation funding for R&D education projects funded through the
NSF Town Hall featuring David Haury, Evan Heit, Arlene de Strulle, Rob Ochsendorf, and Tasha Inniss
Plenary by Dr. Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Associate Professor, Columbia University
The 2024 NSF ITEST PI Meeting engaged the ITEST community in an examination of project implementation through the lens of the three program pillars: (1) Innovative Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning; (2) Partnerships for
The ITEST program’s support of the research and development of models that build K-12 students’ capacity to participate in STEM and ICT has been demonstrated over the past 21 years.
Joyce Malyn-Smith, STELAR Co-PI
Author: Clara McCurdy-Kirlis
NSF released the ITEST solicitation (NSF 22-585) on April 14, 2022, to cover proposals submitted between 2022-2024. STELAR has reviewed changes in this solicitation from the previous (19-583) and share some of our takeaways...
NSF has formally announced that FastLane will no longer accept any proposals to either the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) or the Discovery Research pre-K—12 (DRK-12) Programs.
The “Solicitation Specific Review Criteria” section of your proposal should draw out the elements of your intervention design that has been informed by empirically-backed approaches to leverage student strengths...
As the resource center for the NSF ITEST Program, STELAR assists both ITEST grantees and those interested in submitting a proposal. Each year we host solicitation webinars on behalf of NSF, which allow program officers to provide direct information and answer questions from participants. While
Throughout history, advances in technology have drastically changed how humans live and work. But today, innovations such as artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and biotechnology are so revolutionary—and occurring so quickly—that they have the potential to upend whole industries and
Our recently-released paper explores the future of work, expanding the conversation to include the importance of work for social stability, the challenges associated with broadening participation at the Human-Technology Frontier, the psycho-social factors affecting career development at the
About 50 researchers and practitioners from around the country convened at the University of Texas at San Antonio on May 2-3, 2017, to set an agenda for research and practice towards making engineering and engineering education more equitable.
EDC’s Joyce Malyn-Smith discusses how technology can help all students extend their own thinking and solve complex problems.
The Management Information System (MIS) survey is distributed to ITEST projects annually every fall. This blog post was written about the 2015-2016 MIS, our eighth running of the MIS.
STELAR is excited to announce the publication of four syntheses that describe results of the ITEST program since its beginning in 2003.
This is a reposting of a blog originally published on Education Development Center, Inc.'s Learning and Teaching website.
What role does community, family, and culture play in the motivation to learn? What motivates young people to participate in STEM learning experiences? What do these experiences teach them about STEM educational and career paths?
On April 2, 2014 the STEM Learning and Resource Center (STELAR) hosted an outreach event to introduce the goals of STELAR, celebrate the launch of our website, and to make new connections in conjunction with the NSTA conference in Boston.
Today’s world is a global marketplace driven by technology. Rapid advances in technology have changed both the work we do and how we do it. With the new affordances of the “cyberinfrastructure” we now have access to vast amounts of information online.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected EDC to continue its role as the resource center for the ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) program.
The attached ITEST Snapshot document provides an overview of the National Science Foundation's ITEST Program. The data for this report was derived from NSF's Award Search database, and project survey data collected by STELAR (the New Project Survey and Annual ITEST Survey).
Artificial intelligence (AI) is permeating the world around us, changing the ways we live, work, and learn.
This informative report extends prior reports on the Future of Work to address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in light of recent historical events.
This report provides an overview of the ITEST portfolio's current projects. The information included was curated with new ITEST proposal writers in mind so that you can become more familiar with the program and current project trends.
STELAR submitted the attached paper in conjunction with our participation in a poster session held for NSF-grantees at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference.
This framework identifies 10 foundational career competency areas correlated to characteristics of future work at the Human Technology Frontier and what thought leaders in the field believe successful workers in those environments need to know and be able to do.
The attached document provides an overview of the National Science Foundation's ITEST Program.
ITEST Data Brief Volume 5, Issue 1, August 2018. This data brief explores the partnerships that ITEST projects engage in for project planning and design, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation.
The proliferation of new technologies has changed the way we live, learn, and work.
The attached document provides an overview of the National Science Foundation's ITEST Program.
ITEST Data Brief Volume 3, Issue 4, January 2017. This data brief explores the strategies that ITEST projects use to communicate their findings, including the products they create, where they disseminate their work, and what audiences they reach.
From 2006 to 2012, Florida Statute §1003.4156 required middle school students to complete electronic personal education planners (ePEPs) before promotion to ninth grade.
For over a decade, the National Science Foundation’s Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program has funded researchers and educators to build an understanding of best practices, contexts, and processes contributing to K-12 students’ motivation and participation
The ITEST program has enabled creativity, experimentation, and cultural responsiveness in STEM education and workforce development and broadened participation in STEM initiatives to Native American communities, underresourced urban communities, girls, and populations underrepresented in STEM
This paper, based on a review of over 200 publications related to approximately 110 ITEST projects, seeks to respond to the broadening participation question in the ITEST solicitation. While all ITEST projects include “broadening participation” as a central goal, we found that publications
This synthesis paper highlights projects funded by the National Science Foundation’s Innovating Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) grant program that are either primarily designed to support teacher learning or that incorporate teacher learning in a significant way.
This synthesis is based on a review of publications from ITEST projects, specifically relating to STEM learning games and game design experiences for students.
This report presents important takeaways from a one-day National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported Forum, “Next Generation STEM Learning for All,” organized by Education Development Center (EDC)
ITEST Data Brief Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016
This data brief provides information on the composition of ITEST project participants, what activities they engage in, in what settings, and what projects feel contributes to their project's success based on projects submissions to the 2014-2015
The attached document provides an overview of NSF's ITEST Program from 2003-2015.
The attached document provides a snapshot of NSF's ITEST Program from 2003-2014.
ITEST Data Brief Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2015
This paper aims to share EDC’s learnings from developing and implementing this method including addressing issues of trust between youth and adult team members, appropriately acknowledging youth contributions, balancing the roles of mentors and adult design partners, and making dynamic
The STELAR Brochure is a two-page document that contains detailed information about STELAR's goals and the services STELAR provides to the ITEST community.
This paper summarizes lessons learned from eight years of hosting a national resource center for the ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) program, funded by the National Science Foundation.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program provides a unique opportunity to assess a broad spectrum of professional development projects that share key characteristics but were designed to meet distinct
This article is part of a special issue of the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE). It introduces and summarizes how the six articles describe specific ITEST teacher development projects, provide portraits of these projects, and address important themes that cross ITEST
The WGBH Educational Foundation and the Education Development Center, Inc. collaborated to create a series of six individual ITEST project profile videos and multiple video clips submitted by projects and edited by WGBH.
The focus of this literature review is out-of-school time activities in informal environments, a “vastly understudied” set of experiences (Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development 1992), and the role these experiences can have in shaping the direction of youth to pursue
This report outlines the discussions and outcomes of the Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM Convening held at Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA) in September 2011.
In today's world of high accountability, strong evidence on intended outcomes is key to building credibility and replicability of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs. This primer, for program directors/managers, educators and others
This report on a webcast hosted by the ITEST Learning Resource Center identifies resources and key success strategies for engaging girls in STEM, offered by an expert panel of speakers from the ITEST community, private sector and research and policy
The ITEST Small Working Group on Computational Thinking (CT) has completed its White Paper titled: Computational Thinking for Youth. The paper aims to describe what computational thinking looks like when practiced by youth in ITEST and
NSF ITEST Program Principal Investigator's Meeting
Innovating Equitable STEM Learning for the Future Technological Workforce
May 6-7, 2024 - Alexandria, Virginia
STELAR, in coordination with the Maine Math and Science Alliance, will host an in-person workshop in Augusta, Maine on Friday, June 16. The workshop will cover the critical components of developing a successful NSF ITEST proposal including: forming partnerships, writing a compelling narrative,
The second webinar in support of encouraging Scaling, Expanding and Iterating Innovations (SEI) proposals invited back ITEST Principal Investigators to share their successes and challenges on scaling their work in the ITEST 2022 PI Meeting.
The 2022 Annual ITEST Principal Investigator Meeting took place from November 1–3.
Join STELAR as we host NSF Program Officer Hours to answer questions and to address the following topic area:
Join STELAR as we host NSF Program Officer Hours to answer questions and to address the following topic areas:
Join STELAR as we host NSF Program Officer Hours to answer questions and to address the following topic areas:
STELAR hosted a special presentation on behalf of NSF Program Officers on Thursday, June 2, from 1-2:30 pm ET. During the webinar a panel of Program Officers discussed key aspects for conceptualizing a competitive ITEST proposal.
On June 30th STELAR introduced an informative report that extends prior reports on the Future of Work to address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in light of recent historical events.
On August 3, STELAR will host NSF Program Officers Robert Russell, Gavin Fulmer, and Alicia Santiago for a procedural/budget/technical questions session designed for those planning to submit proposals on August 13, 2021.
On July 21, STELAR will host NSF Program Officers Robert Russell, Gavin Fulmer, and Alicia Santiago. This session is the second session in a 3 part series, designed for those planning to submit proposals on August 13, 2021.
On July 14 and July 21, STELAR will host NSF Program Officers Robert Russell, Gavin Fulmer, and Alicia Santiago for two general questions sessions designed for those planning to submit proposals on August 13, 2021.
On Wednesday, July 7, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for the second webinar on the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation (NSF 19-583
On June 30, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for a series of informative webinars on the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation (NSF 19-583).
The National Science Foundation published NSF 21-033, “Advancing Quantum Education and Workforce Development” in December 2020.
The National Science Foundation published NSF 21-033, “Advancing Quantum Education and Workforce Development” in December 2020.
The STEM Learning and Research Center, resource center for the NSF ITEST Program, will host our annual meeting this fall.
Join STELAR at the Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE) Virtual Vision 2020.
Announcing the launch of the 2020-2021 ITEST Community Meetups!
On August 4, STELAR hosted NSF Program Officers Monica Cardella and Robert Russell for a final Q&A session designed for those planning to submit proposals on August 14, 2020.
On Monday, July 13, STELAR held a webinar on behalf of the National Science Foundation sharing details of the recently-released Dear Colleague Letter: Advancing Educational Innovations that Motivate and Prepare PreK-12 Learners for Computationally-Intensive Industries of the Future (
In April and May of 2020, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for a series of informative webinars on the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation (NSF 19-583). View the presentation, slides, and additional resources
COVID-19 is changing many aspects of our life, including how we do our work. While “social distancing” has become the new normal, maintaining connections with our colleagues and stakeholders has become increasingly important.
COVID-19 is changing many aspects of our life, including how we do our work. While “social distancing” has become the new normal, maintaining connections with our colleagues and stakeholders has become increasingly important.
During this informal online gathering, members of ITEST project teams met with STELAR's survey coordinator, Brianna Roche, to learn tips for completion and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Topics included:
American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) 33rd Annual Conference
Evaluation 2019: Paths to the Future of Evaluation: Contribution, Leadership, and Renewal
November 11 – 16 in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Over the past year, STELAR staff have been meeting with ITEST community members to learn more about the work projects are engaged in, and uncover challenges that projects have faced. In our review of these discussions, we identified three topic areas where examples of best-practices would
In the fall of 2018 STELAR staff held a series of ‘virtual meetups’ with ITEST Community of Practice members to learn more about the work that projects have been engaged in and to uncover the challenges that projects have faced.
On Thursday, June 20, 3:00-4:30 pm STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers Alejandra Sorto and Amy Wilson-Lopez for an informative webinar on the 2019 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program Solicitation (NSF 19-583).
On May 28 STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers Michael Steele, Alejandra Sorto, and Amy Wilson-Lopez for an informative webinar on the newly-released 2019 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program Solicitation (NSF
On May 30, 2019 STELAR hosted NSF Program Officer Robert Russell for a webinar that shared information about NSF Maker initiatives and NSF funded work in the Maker Education field.
Unable to attend the Summit in-person? Join your colleagues online for our first-ever live-stream event!
In December the National Science Foundation convened nearly 60 Principal Investigators from projects funded through the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF-086) “Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in
Join your colleagues for two days of programming designed to encourage collaboration, learning, and discussion. During the summit active ITEST projects will share their successes, challenges, and lessons learned from the ITEST program, and discuss implications for a national community of
Join NSF Resource Center CIRCL, the Center for Innovative Research in CyberLearning, for the third webinar in an eColloq Series on Cyberlearning. This session features presentations by STELAR's Joyce Malyn-Smith and Sarita Pillai, followed by discussion.
On Tuesday, May 22, STELAR hosted NSF Program Officers Robert Russell and Brian Smith for a webinar to share information about Maker initiatives and NSF funded work in the Maker field.
On behalf of the National Science Foundation, STELAR hosted more than 90 ITEST projects at the 2018 Summit.
2018 STELAR ITEST Principal Investigator and Evaluator Summit
Equity and Access at the Human-Technology Frontier
Join authors of STELAR's recent publication entitled Building the Foundational Skills Needed for Success in Work at the Human-Technology Frontier for a four-part
Join authors of "Building the Foundational Skills Needed for Success in Work at the Human-Technology Frontier," for the final webinar in our four-part
On Thursday, February 22, STELAR presented the third of four webinars in our series exploring the educational and social implications of living, learning and working in a future driven by technology.
On Thursday, January 25, the STELAR authors of Building the Foundational Skills Needed for Success in Work at the Human-Technology Frontier
STELAR hosted a special webinar held on behalf of the National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) highlighting funding opportunities within EHR especially aimed at broadening
On February 28, STELAR hosted authors of three papers featured in our recent ITEST special issue published in the Journal of Science Education and Technology (JOST).
On Thursday, November 3, STELAR hosted NSF Program Officers Bob Russell and Erick Jones as they presented a webinar on National Science Foundation funding for R&D education projects funded through the Dear
On Monday, October 24, STELAR hosted NSF Program Officer Celestine Pea as she presented a webinar on National Science Foundation funding for eligible research organizations to submit proposals to one of five existing NSF program
On Tuesday, October 18, STELAR hosted NSF Program Officers David Haury and Robert Russell as they presented a webinar on National Science Foundation funding for research, development, and small business proposals for Maker-focused projects.
The STELAR ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit is an annual opportunity for ITEST Principal Investigators (PIs) and evaluators to come together and share successes, challenges, and lessons learned from the ITEST program.
On Thursday, July 28, STELAR hosted a special webinar on behalf of the National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) highlighting upcoming funding opportunitie
On Tuesday, July 12, STELAR hosted NSF Program Directors Robert Russell and David Haury for a Q&A session about the 2016 NSF ITEST Solicitation. Attendees asked questions about the ITEST program and proposal requirements, and made requests for clarification. This webinar was held as a follow
This webinar will provided an overview of NSF funding opportunities for educational research and development projects that focus on STEM learning and learning environments, STEM workforce development, and broadening participation in STEM.
STELAR hosted an informational webinar with NSF Program Officers to discuss the 2016 ITEST solicitation. View a recording of the webinar below, and access presentation slides under the related documents section on the right.
This webinar offered guidance to ITEST PIs and evaluators on writing successful and useful NSF ITEST annual reports. During the webinar Dr. David Haury, Program Director of the NSF ITEST program, provided key information and insights, and addressed questions posed by attendees.
The STELAR ITEST PI & Evaluator Summit was held on Monday and Tuesday, May 2-3, 2016, at the Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, VA.
On November 9th, 2015 Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) and SRI International, with the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF), hosted a one-day Forum on “Next Generation STEM Learning for All” in Washington D.C.
Attendees joined us in discussing the elements of Career Education that can help frame your ITEST proposal/project and the types of workforce/career education data that projects should be collecting to document students’ journeys to STEM careers.
STELAR hosted this one-day workshop on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at Tuskegee University (Tuskegee, AL), which was designed for people who have not been previously funded through the National Science Foundation's ITEST (Innovative Technology
STELAR hosted an informational webinar with NSF Program Officers to discuss the 2015 ITEST solicitation.
The slides and a recording of the presentation are available on this page for your review.
Attendees learned how to develop highly effective dissemination plans from seasoned PIs in ITEST and other NSF programs. Presenters shared strategies, lessons learned, ways to leverage technology, and helped to identify non-traditional dissemination venues that are often overlooked.
In this webinar, PIs and evaluators described how they are meeting the challenge of incorporating rigorous research designs and evaluations that provide useful measures of project success, all while developing dynamic activities within the ITEST framework.
STELAR and select ITEST projects delivered a panel presentation at the Massachusetts STEM Summit in Worcester's DCU Center on Wednesday, October 22, 2014.
Moderator: Sarita Pillai
Take a quick tour through the scales and items that have worked (and not worked) for a recent ITEST evaluation conducted with middle and high school students. Then look ahead to instruments we are considering for a new ITEST project that begins data collection with elementary school students
STELAR hosted the NSF Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Principal Investigator & Evaluator Convening on Tuesday, August 19, and Wednesday, August 20, 2014, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC.
Presenter: Barb MacEachern, SportsLab: 2020
STELAR hosted an informational webinar with an NSF Program Officer on Wednesday, September 3, 2014, on the most recent ITEST Solicitation (NSF 14-512).
Results from the Management Information System, which collects data from all active ITEST projects about what the projects do and whom they serve, showed that 51% of ITEST projects in the 2013-2014 school year included mentoring of youth participants as one of their project activities. During
This webinar focused on current findings from the ITEST program related to youth motivation and STEM career development. Participants heard from ITEST projects working across the U.S. to learn specific strategies for as well as successes and challenges with fostering and assessing youth
STEM Learning and Resource Center (STELAR) hosted an outreach event to introduce the goals of STELAR, celebrate the launch of our website, and to make new connections in conjunction with the NSTA conference in Boston.
Moderator: Alyssa Na'im
Presenters: Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Sustainable Future; Pam Van Dyck, Evaluation Resources; Karen Yanowitz, CSI; Angelique Tucker Blackmon, Try-IT
Presenters: David Gibson, Global Challenge Award; Steve Bean/Jacob Martinez, Girl Game Company
Presenters: Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Cynthia Newson, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; CREST PIs and participants; Urban Ecology PIs and participants
Presenters: Karen Michaelson, RSSIT; Walt Allan/Jeri Erickson, EcoScience Works; Claudia Morrell, ESTEEM; Mike Barnett, Urban Ecology; Harry Helling, SeaTech
Moderator: Sarita Pillai, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC
Presenters: Chris Dede, PI, Studying Technology-based Strategies for Enhancing Student Interest in STEM Careers through Algebra Curricula in Grades 5-9; Beth McGrath, PI, BISU; Carolyn Staudt, PI, ITSI-SU; Brad Barker, PI, National
Presenter: Tony Streit, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Carrie Parker, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Karen Peterson, National Girls Collaborative; Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Jennifer Adams, attendee; Priti
Presenter: Dan Damelin, RI-ITEST
During this webinar, participants heard from ITEST projects working across the U.S. to learn specific frameworks for fostering and assessing youth motivation and STEM career interest. This webinar discussed recent developments in theory and measurement of youth interest in STEM careers. The
Moderators: Jeanne Chowning, Bio-ITEST; Dina Kovarik, Bio-ITEST
Presenters: Sam Tran, Amgen; Piper Schwenke, NOAA
Presenters: Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Cynthia Newson, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Dr. Kimberly A. Scott, COMPUGIRLS; Dr. Kevin Clark, Game Design Through Mentoring and Collaboration; Dr.
In addition to an NSF cross-program panel and keynote addresses, this Summit featured numerous breakout sessions hosted by ITEST project PIs and evaluators in 4 strands: Shaping educational pathways to STEM careers, Embedding research and assessment into project work,
This Summit's focus was on Using Evaluation-Research Methodology to Inform Workforce Development Strategies and Project Scale-Up. Several of the summit presentations and panels were archived.
This Summit's focus was on New Learning and the New Learner: Harnessing IT to Reinvent the Education Landscape. Key Summit activities addressed these important issues facing our nation's workforce:
Recorded webinar sessions from the Ninth Annual NSF ITEST Summit are linked below.
Presenters: Jacob Martinez, Project Director, Watsonville TEC, Animando a Estudiantes con Technologia (AET); Patrik Lundh, Education Researcher, SRI International, Girls InnovaTE3
Presenters: Svetlana Darche, WestEd; Erin Fender, Career Academy Support Network
Presenters: Daryl Williams, NSF; Ruth Kermish-Allen, CREST; Kevin Clark, Game Design Through Mentoring and Collaboration; Patrik Lundh, Studio STEM; Jacob Martinez, TEC
Presenters: Siobhan Bredin, ITEST Learning Resource Center at EDC; Liesl Hotaling, COSEE
STELAR hosted two webinars to provide information and answer questions about the 2013/2014 NSF ITEST Solicitation.
The first informational webinar took place on December 12, 2013.
STELAR invites ITEST project members interested in the topics listed below to join working groups designed to explore areas of broader interest to NSF.
This online event will showcase cutting-edge NSF-funded work to improve teaching and learning and will allow colleagues affiliated with MSPnet, CADRE, CIRCL, CAISE, STELAR, CS10Kcommunity, and ARC to view, discuss, and comment on each others’ work.
CALL FOR PAPERS – Special issue on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Career Development Education
Journal of Science Education and Technology
Important Dates
Looking for an evaluator for your proposal or project? Need specific research expertise on your team? Use our People Connector Directory to find people who have skills you need, or to list yourself as a resource to others.
This document is STELAR’s high-level summary of the required elements of your ITEST proposal. This is not intended to replace a careful review of both the solicitation as well as the PAPPG, but rather provides a checklist of all of the components to ensure each is addressed...
As we all face the challenges of COVID-19, making connections between communities and sharing resources with colleagues has become increasingly important. We would like to reassure you that STELAR is here for our community.
With gratitude for support from the NSF, we are pleased to announce that the STELAR center will continue to support the ITEST program community through 2023.
STELAR released the following publications featuring the work of the ITEST community in 2016:
The attached document lists a selection of ITEST dissemination products as reported on the 2014-2015 MIS including articles, books, curricular materials and videos.
The new report Next Generation STEM Learning For All: Envisioning
The ITEST program specifically targets its work toward engaging the participation of youth who have been traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary STEM education and the STEM workforce, including, but not limited to, “… women, underrepresented minorities (African
The AERA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research.
STELAR collaborated with ITEST projects on a number of conference symposium proposals during 2014 for the 2015 conference year. We are thrilled that these three proposals have been selected so far.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected EDC to continue its role as the resource center for the ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) program.