Assessing students' learning of concepts in programming is an essential part of teaching computer science. We developed an assessment activity that measures students' skill in identifying programming structures used to create various behaviors in MIT App Inventor (AI).
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In this paper, we share our experiences implementing a professional development program in two school districts with middle school teachers who integrated an introductory computer science curriculum into their teaching.
MIT App Inventor has enabled middle school students to learn computing while creating their own apps-including apps that serve community needs. However, few resources exist for building apps that gather and share data.
This paper describes the design and evaluation of a one-week App Inventor summer camp for middle school students with an explicit focus on addressing local community needs. The community focus of the camp was designed to appeal to a broad range of students.
Curricular Materials
CS Pathways is a 20-hour introductory computer science curriculum for middle school which builds digital literacy skills as a pathway into computer science. It is based on having students design mobile apps for social good.
This guide helps school districts choose the computer science (CS) curricula that best suit their communities’ needs.
STELAR recently connected with members of the Middle School Pathways in Computer Science ITEST project, Principal Investigator
STELAR and select ITEST projects delivered a panel presentation at the Massachusetts STEM Summit in Worcester's DCU Center on Tuesday, November 1, 2016.
Join us for the NSF 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase: Improving Science, Math, Engineering, and Computer Science Education! This online showcase will include brief videos of cutting-edge NSF-funded work to improve teaching and learning.
STELAR collaborated with ITEST projects on a number of conference symposium proposals during 2014 for the 2015 conference year. We are thrilled that these three proposals have been selected so far.