A Consortium Approach to CS for All
There has been a strong push to expand the opportunities for students to experience Computer Science (CS) instruction in schools across the nation. To support the work at the federal, state, local levels and engage others in the effort, there is a need for coordination across these sectors. The current complex landscape does not have a central organization or connection point, thereby leaving many local education agencies (LEAs) unsure of how to proceed. Using a collective impact model, the New York City Foundation for Computer Science Education will lead an effort to engage leaders in the field to provide local actors access to resources as part of the larger federal Computer Science for All Initiative (CS for All) access to resources for states and local education agencies to support implementation of computer science education across the nation.
The consortium will work with a broad range of stakeholders involved in policy making, funding, and implementing computer science education across the nation in order to: effectively coordinate bodies participating in the execution of CS for All; create and launch a steering committee to guide CS for All; develop and build consensus around a common vision and objectives for CS for All in collaboration with a national steering committee; design and execute a knowledge sharing strategy for all who are participating in CS For All: states, districts, schools, teachers and students; and purposefully champion issues of diversity, inclusion and access facing CS Education.