Curricular Materials

STEM Career Connections Resources


During the STEM Career Connections project we developed educational materials to support implementation of the STEMCC model within both formal and informal education settings, included here as the Resource Pack. The technology curricula and career connections activities define what youth were actually doing throughout the STEMCC project, while the community partnerships, detailed in the STEM Partnership Toolkit, provided the backbone to shape youth experiences. The research team also authored several publications and newsletters that provide more insight into the project work.

We have included these resources for you to consider when implementing the STEMCC Model with your own STEM program and offerings.

Curricular Materials

STELAR is not the author of these materials and cannot provide permission or access. For more information click the “Related Projects” link below.

Project Curricula Details

Partnerships and Collaboration
Target Setting(s)
Middle school (6-8)
Target Participant(s)
Computer and informational technology science