ITEST Projects

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Scaling up an Innovative Approach for Attracting Students to Computing

2011 - 2018

US college and universities are experiencing a dramatic decline in enrollment of computing majors, despite a predicted, rapid increase in future jobs in the computer science (CS) and information technology (IT) sectors. This reflects a decline in the number of students taking the AP computer science

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CSI: Classroom Student Investigations

2011 - 2017

This ITEST strategies project titled Classroom Student Investigations, uses the popularity of the Crime Scene Investigation television show, involving forensic science investigation, as a metaphor to train teachers in forensic science topics and use that training in their science classrooms to

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GLOBE California Academy Program (CAP) - Collaborative Research

2011 - 2016

WestEd and the University of California-Berkeley are improving student learning and workforce preparation in science as well as information and communication technology by embedding the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program into curricula of selected high school

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Real World Externships for Teachers of Mathematics and Science

2011 - 2016

The Real World Externships project provides professional development for 150 mathematics and science teachers in grades 7-12 in Iowa. The teachers participate in externships with local science-based industries for six weeks during the summer. Teachers learn current applications of science and

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