ITEST Projects

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COVID-Inspired Data Science Education through Epidemiology

2023 - 2024
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic provides a starting point for empowering young people to understand uses of data science through epidemiology. Through this program, 400 underserved youth nationwide will engage in a 15-hour out-of-school multimedia program centered on a project-developed text, The Case
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Envisioning STEM Education for the Green and Blue Economies

2023 - 2024
Climate change is one of the most formidable challenges of our time. Countries are experiencing record heat, wildfires, drought, and powerful monsoons. These natural disasters have created an urgent need for a workforce that can build stronger green and blue economies. Green economies emit low
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QuEST: Quantum Education for Students and Teachers

2022 - 2026

The National Quantum Initiative Act stipulates the growth and acceleration of quantum information science and technology research and education. However, high school science teachers may not have a background in quantum physics, and this creates a challenge for them to keep track of academic and

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