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- Mathematical sciences
Rhode Island Information Technology Experiences for Student and Teachers (RI-ITEST)
One hundred teachers, through materials used in their classes, will work with 10,000 students in the use of computer modeling to enhance science education and provide choices for additional career paths.
Reach for the Sky: Integrating Technology into STEM Outcomes for American Indian Youth
Sixty middle and high school students on the White Earth reservation in Minnesota will engage in STEM and IT learning experiences related to understanding energy and alternative energy sources.
Extreme Experience Lab
Sixty high school Hispanic, English language learners at the Latino College Preparatory Academy in East San Jose engage in interactive, hands-on, creative science workshops and research opportunities to inspire and motivate them towards STEM education.
PROFIT: Pictures Represent Opportunities For Inspiration in Technology
Twenty teachers and 60 incoming tenth grade students in the Greater Orlando area are involved in learning about and interacting with modules that explore the relationship between mathematics and pictorial computing.
Plant IT Careers, Cases, and Collaborations
Sixty teachers from across the nation customize online investigations for their classrooms to solve plant-related biology problems and explore career connections featuring the technology and skills that support modern plant science.
Game Design Through Mentoring and Collaboration
Two hundred middle and high school students in the Washington, DC area with teachers, scientists, and experts to increase their motivation, achievement, and exposure to STEM careers and disciplines through game design, mentoring, and collaboration.
Advanced Digital Pathways
In the San Francisco Bay Area 150 youth ages 15 to 19 are developing skills in advanced audio, video, and open source programming, and are participating in industry-based internships.
CyberBridge UCSD/SDSU
Seventy five teachers from a variety of disciplines work in small interdisciplinary teams to engage hundreds of students in SanDiego County, CA. Teams use Project-Based Learning approaches to work with scientists in partnership.
The Science of Small Things
More than 100 middle and high school students from Lowell, Massachusetts engage in hands-on nanotechnology related experiments facilitated by project staff, UMass Lowell students and faculty, and industry professionals.
Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) Engineering and IT Project-C5
One hundred and twenty African American and Latino 7th and 9th grade students and 180 parents and caregivers in the Detroit area use information technology to solve engineering problems.