ITEST Projects

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  • Environmental sciences
  • Geosciences
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National Middle School Aerospace Scholars (NaMAS)

2004 - 2007

National Middle School Aerospace Scholars (NaMAS) will provide both teachers and students in eight states the opportunity to learn about and experience information technologies and how they are used within the context of STEM applications in the exciting high technology aerospace industry. NaMAS

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Technology at the Crossroads

2004 - 2007

Two hundred and thirty five middle school students (with a focus on girls) in Boston, Massachusetts use Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geographic Positioning Systems (GPS) and HTML programming to conduct environmental research.

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YES To Technology (YES-2-Tech)

2004 - 2007

Sixty high school students in St. Louis, Missouri develop computer fluency through concrete application experiences such as designing and building a greenhouse. The project introduces teens to real-life technology applications and challenges through ongoing peer and mentoring relationships.

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Museum Tech Academy

2004 - 2007

In Springfield, Illinois, 90 students ages 12-17 are learning about and conducting research in archeology and natural sciences (geology, botany, zoology) using information technology and field-based experiences.

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