
The Better Buildings Workforce Accelerator K-12 Resource Fact Sheet


The Better Buildings Workforce Accelerator (BBWA) is a DOE initiative seeking to raise the level of building science and energy efficiency knowledge in the nation’s building-related workforce. Through BBWA, DOE engages industry partners in activities that build interest and awareness, streamline pathways, and improve skills for green building careers. A key factor in building interest and awareness is reaching and engaging with students early on, from kindergarten through high school (K-12).

To discuss this topic, BBWA hosted a Peer Exchange event to share resources, foster understanding, and support communication between BBWA partners and the K-12 education community.

The top reasons attendees cited for not engaging with each other more included lack of relevant resources, time, or knowledge of who to contact.

To address these barriers, this fact sheet consolidates lessons learned and valuable resources to help green building trainers and employers connect meaningfully to K-12 students and educators.

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US Department of Energy
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