
Contrasts in Climate Change Attitudes and STEM Dispositions Among Children Versus Adults Attending a Science and Technology Exposition


Children and adults attending a three-day Science and Technology Exposition in Washington D.C., during April 2016 completed Climate Change Attitude Surveys and  STEM Semantic Differential Surveys while visiting a booth featuring hands on demonstrations of testing various  houshold appliances for consumption of standby power. Demos were conducted by middle school teachers from three states in the USA as part of a four-year Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) project, funded by NSF. Findings were that adults overall were more positive than children but significantly higher than children only on the individual measures related to climate change, Overall the profiles of adults and children were similar. 


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Conference proceeding
Gerald Knezek
R. Christensen
iConference 2017
Informal Learning and Afterschool
Partnerships and Collaboration
STEM Career Opportunities and Workforce Development
File Attachment(s)
Publication Year
Additional Disciplines
Environmental Science - general
Environmental Science - climate modeling
Environmental Science - ecological research and analysis
Environmental Science - GIS/GPS
Environmental Science - remote sensing technology