
Engaging Teachers in Supporting Next Generation STEM Learning


To accelerate dissemination of educator learning models in ITEST projects, the ITEST program has called for reflection on best practices and lessons learned in response to this question: “What instructional and curricular models can effectively engage teachers to use and integrate technologies so as to enhance student understanding of STEM-related occupations?” In this paper, we address this question by taking a closer look at teacher-centered projects.

This synthesis paper highlights projects funded by the National Science Foundation’s Innovating Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) grant program that are either primarily designed to support teacher learning or that incorporate teacher learning in a significant way. The ITEST program seeks to increase awareness of and interest in STEM and information and communications technology (ICT) fields among PreK-12 students, with the goal of encouraging students in STEM studies and helping to prepare them for future STEM careers. Providing teachers with strategies and experiences to increase the quality and quantity of STEM instruction is an important part of NSF’s overall strategy in the ITEST program toward broadening student participation in STEM.

Read our featured post from STELAR Co-PI Carrie Parker, announcing these publications.

View the related STELAR Syntheses:

STEM Learning Games and Game Design in ITEST Projects highlights 12 projects that addressed this question by implementing game-focused projects in both in-school and out-of-school settings.

Authentic Inquiries into Local Issues: Increasing Engagement and Building a Sense of STEM Identity and Agency highlights an additional 12 projects that focused on authentic inquiries using mapping or environmental monitoring.

Promising Approaches to Broadening Youth Participation in STEM describes how 12 grantees designed projects to align with the unique experiences of Native American youth, rural youth, and Latina girls, among others.


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Kea Anderson Vogt
Julie Remold
Caroline E. Parker
Teacher Professional Development and Pedagogy
Publication Year