
The Impact of Informal Science Education: A Massachusetts Perspective


The projects described in this booklet represent the work that has been funded by the Informal Science Education program at the National Science Foundation. The outcomes of these projects have provided a wide range of opportunities for students, teachers, and the general public to become more familiar and interested in learning about science. Just a few of the impacts that have come about as a result of this work are:

  • Wired to Win is expected to reach between 8 to 10 million viewers over a 5 year distribution period. In Boston alone, over 68,000 individuals have seen the film.
  • Terrascope Youth Radio will have nationwide impact, as teen participants work with members of other youth media organizations to improve their ability to cover science and engineering.
  • The Urban Ecology Institute and Boston College’s AYS and ITEST projects have improved students scores on standardized assessment measures and enhanced their likelihood of pursing a STEM career.
  • The Youth Astronomy Apprenticeship (YAA) empowers urban teens to develop new science understanding as they develop personal and interpersonal skills needed to fully participate in the life of our society.

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Informal Learning and Afterschool
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