
Leveraging local resources and contexts for inclusive computer science classrooms: Reflections from experienced high school teachers implementing electronic textiles


Background and context Promoting open-ended projects presents new opportunities and challenges for inclusive teaching in CS classrooms. While efforts have been made to develop inclusive curricula, little research has focused on ways teachers apply curricula in their classrooms to promote inclusion. Objective To understand the challenges faced in facilitating an open-ended unit and the pedagogical strategies enacted to address those challenges, we analyze the self-reported teaching practices that experienced teachers developed in their implementation of a constructionist electronic textiles unit in Exploring Computer Science. Method We inductively analyzed and coded 17 experienced teachers’ weekly surveys and post-interviews. Findings Teachers leveraged local resources and contexts to adapt classroom activities as well as developed new perspectives on computing as ways to foster inclusivity. Implications We propose further opportunities for CS teachers to consciously reflect and draw upon the assets and funds of knowledge of their students’ communities when facilitating open-ended, inclusive activities.

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D. A. Fields
M. Shaw
Y. B. Kafai
Computer Science Education
Cultural Relevance, Equity, and Diversity
DEI Advisory Resource
Publication Year