
Scratch for Arduino: Exergaming Development


Currently, obesity has become one of the major health concerns in the United States. A way to relieve this problem is creating fitness activities using the technology and tools available at hand. “Punching Pad” is a prototype that utilizes Scratch for Arduino software and the Arduino Board to make this possible. This device is not only considered a viable fitness activity, but also it could help to inspire children to build other gadgets that, in fact, would facilitate the acquisition of programming skills and basic electronics concepts. The authors use free downloadable software and widely available electronic components to develop this demo, which can be viewed as an alternative to commercial gaming consoles in a learning environment.

Alka Harriger and Mayari Serrano...presentation at the IAJC/ISAM Joint International Conference, Orlando, Florida, September 2014.


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Conference proceeding
Alka Harriger
Mayari Serrano
Informal Learning and Afterschool
File Attachment(s)
Publication Year
Additional Disciplines
Computer Science - gaming and simulations
Computer Science - programming