
STEM Rising


STEM Rising is your go-to resource for all-things-STEM at the U.S. Department of Energy. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, commonly known as STEM, are the essential building blocks to accomplishing the U.S. Department of Energy's mission from coast to coast.

Kindergarten - High School K-12 resources compiled by STEM Rising, all-things-STEM at the U.S. Department of Energy.

College & Continued Learning View our STEM internships, fellowships, research opportunities, workshops, events, contests, digital learning, and more on this page. Learn more

Teachers for all ages - are you looking for STEM lesson activities, virtual learning, and research opportunities? You're in the right place. Learn more

Workforce STEM resources for people currently in the STEM workforce, including online learning, experiential learning, and grants and research opportunities. Learn more


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US Department of Energy