
Transforming a Middle and High School Robotics Curriculum


This paper will examine a robotics curriculum that is impacting educators and youth in both formal, middle and high school classrooms as well as in a variety of informal learning environments. We have made comparisons between formal and informal learning environments in an effort to understand the varying impacts of this novel program on student learning of science concepts, their skills and abilities in applying engineering design and problem-solving, and their awareness and interest in engineering careers and the individuals who pursue these careers. Data from teachers, informal educators and youth during the second year of project implementation suggest that strategies designed to improve the experience and learning of participants in informal learning environments ultimately improve the enjoyment, content learning, STEM interest and engagement of students in both informal and formal environments. 

BISU presentation at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 2013.


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Conference proceeding
Mercedes M. McKay
Susan Lowes
Devayani Tirthali
Elisabeth W. McGrath
Jason Sayres
Karen A. Peterson
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
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Publication Year
Additional Disciplines
Engineering - robotics