
Universal design of a Tier 2 fraction video game


Paper presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Society of the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), Philidelphia, PA

The 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress highlights stagnant and declining performance in mathematics, foundational to STEM and ICT, in both 4th (17% proficient) and 8th (9% proficient) grades. At the same time, promoting diversity in the workforce is paramount for U.S. innovation in STEM and ICT fields. Individuals with disabilities are underutilized members of the STEM and ICT workforce. In this poster, we report on Model Mathematics Education (ModelME), a universally designed video game embedded into a student-centered Tier 2 (i.e., supplemental) mathematics curriculum.


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Conference proceeding
J. Hunt
M. Taub
M. Marino
A. Duarte
K. Anderson
J. Brewer
North American Chapter of the International Society of the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA)
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Publication Year
Additional Disciplines
Computer Science - gaming and simulations