Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM: A Report on the NSF ITEST Convening


This report outlines the discussions and outcomes of the Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM Convening held at Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA) in September 2011. The convening was hosted by the ITEST Learning Resource Center (LRC) at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC).The Convening focused on two overarching questions: (1) What is currently known about motivation around STEM for underrepresented youth? and (2) What can be done to cultivate new research on STEM motivation for underrepresented youth? It brought together youth participants and principal investigators (PIs)

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ITEST Management Information System (MIS) 2012: Final Report Describing Active ITEST Projects


The fourth annual MIS report, a program-wide summary of ITEST projects, was released in January 2013. This report, prepared with data from the fourth annual ITEST Management Information System (MIS) administration in 2012, describes who ITEST projects served, how many participants they served, the structure of the project, their intended outcomes, and how those outcomes were measured.

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ITEST Management Information System (MIS) 2010: Final Report Describing Active ITEST Projects


The second annual MIS report, a program-wide summary of ITEST projects, was released in July 2011. This report, prepared with data from the second annual ITEST Management Information System (MIS) administration in 2010, describes who ITEST projects served, how many participants they served, the structure of the project, their intended outcomes, and how those outcomes were measured.

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ITEST Data Brief: ITEST Participants - Reaching Underserved and Underrepresented Groups


ITEST Data Brief Volume 1, Issue 3, June 2012The National Science Foundation ITEST Program explicitly states its commitment to focus on students from groups underserved and underrepresented in STEM and ICT-intensive careers. The ITEST Management Information System (MIS) asked projects to identify characteristics of their student participants, and this Data Brief explores that information to see whether and to what degree projects are working with underserved and underrepresented students.

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