Resources included in these libraries were submitted by ITEST projects or STELAR and are relevant to the work of the NSF ITEST Program. PDFs and/or URLs to the original resource are included in the resource description whenever possible. In some cases, full text publications are located behind publishers’ paywalls and a fee or membership to the third party site may be required for access. Permission for use must be requested through the publisher or author listed in each entry.
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education
PublicationIn order to affect career decisions, it is important to reach youth at early ages. While some have focused on using mentors in order to successfully teach mentees, few have focused on the benefits to the mentors themselves. To our knowledge, no other research has been conducted on the effect that serving as a near-peer mentor has on increasing the mentors' interest, self-efficacy, value-beliefs, and skills in computer science. Our paid mentorships provided youth two weeks of participation in computer science camps using App Inventor. The mentors in our pilot study increased self-efficacy and
How Mother and Father Support Affect Youths' Interest in Computer Science
PublicationParental support is a predictor of children's career interest and aspirations. However, mother and father support affects youth career choices differently. To understand how perceived mothers' and fathers' support affect career interest in computer science (CS), we developed two path models using both mother and father support gains to predict youths' interest in CS. We hypothesized that perceived father's and mother's support would relate to youths' interest in CS via youths' perception of CS utility value as a mediator. We found that both mother and father support leads to interest in CS
Impact of an Authentic Environment on Learning of Math and Science
PublicationThe paper provides details of a teacher professional development workshop on an authentic learning environment incorporating lessons based on hands-on activities on a flight simulator. The workshop design was based on best practices for teacher Professional Development (PD). The attitudes of teachers towards the use of technology were measured during the PD and are shared in this paper. Subsequently, a summer camp using the same learning environment was conducted for middle school students to learn selected math and science concepts. The results of the impact on the student participants of the
Fundamental: Analyzing the Effects of a Robotics Training Workshop on the Self-Efficacy of High School Teachers
PublicationThe NGSS are national standards developed by educators, teachers, and scientists across the nation to address and enhance STEM education. NGSS highlights the importance of including science and engineering practices in K-12 classrooms. However, teacher certification and professional development (PD) programs require significant support to facilitate integration of engineering and technology in K-12 schools. Many teachers report having low self-efficacy in their ability to teach science, which in turn affects students’ science learning. The development of self-efficacy relies on four key
Kids as Urban Scientists: Data Collection App and Web Display for Youth Mapping the Biodiversity of Urban Areas
PublicationPrior to the 2012 London Olympics, city planners added extensive wildflower meadows and something interesting happened: The number of pollinating insects and other local species (e.g., the biodiversity of the area) increased dramatically (Conniff, 2014). In response to statistics indicating that the portion of our planet characterized as urban is on track to triple from 2000-2030, scientists and community members in the United Kingdom and some American cities are taking action to study (e.g., Lerman, Nislow, Nowak, DeStefano, Kind, Jones-Farrand, 2014) and introduce often simple strategies for
English Learners in STEM Subjects: Transforming Classrooms, Schools, and Lives
PublicationThe imperative that all students, including English learners (ELs), achieve high academic standards and have opportunities to participate in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning has become even more urgent and complex given shifts in science and mathematics standards. As a group, these students are underrepresented in STEM fields in college and in the workforce at a time when the demand for workers and professionals in STEM fields is unmet and increasing. However, English learners bring a wealth of resources to STEM learning, including knowledge and interest in
Assessing the Effects of Authentic Experiential Learning Activities on Teacher Confidence with Engineering Concepts
PublicationThere is a growing concern in the US about the lack of student interest and aptitude in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines. Research indicates that engineering and technology integration in K-12 improve students’ content understanding and skill development, understanding of interactions among the STEM disciplines, and interest in STEM careers. Many in-service STEM teachers have limited experience and/or educational background in engineering and technology. These teachers have limited confidence to incorporate engineering and technology in their classroom.At a
Building Automation and IoT as a Platform for Introducing STEM Education in K-12
PublicationThere is growing concern in the United States about the lack of interest and aptitude in science, math and, in particular, technology and engineering disciplines. Certainly one reason for this could be the lack of true engineering experiences available to students when they are in junior high and high school. This is in part due to the fact that while most teachers are well versed in math and science through their formal education, very few have experience and/or educational backgrounds in engineering and technology. To promote STEM careers, a partnership among university engineering faculty
IoT-based Building Automation and Energy Management
PublicationAs part of a NSF-funded ITEST grant, the ETID Department at Texas A&M University is developing a STEM Teacher Education initiative that helps secondary education math and science teachers to better understand advanced technology concepts. This new initiative will be presented to approximately twelve teachers for three consecutive summers to create a cadre of educators who are able to excite high school students and motivate them to choose engineering/technology career paths as they enter their undergraduate degree programs. This paper presents an overview of and results from the two-week
Maximizing Accessibility: Providing Summer Engineering Experiences for Racially, Ethnically, and Economically Underrepresented Youth
PublicationThe drive for broader participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has resulted in a growing interest in out-of-school programs that bring enriching educational experiences to children from ethnic and racial groups that are traditionally underrepresented, particularly children from low-income households. Ideally, such programs would have clear strategies for recruiting students from low-income communities, thereby minimizing barriers to participation, such as transportation and cost. Although many local organizations are clear in their purpose, strategies that