Resources included in these libraries were submitted by ITEST projects or STELAR and are relevant to the work of the NSF ITEST Program. PDFs and/or URLs to the original resource are included in the resource description whenever possible. In some cases, full text publications are located behind publishers’ paywalls and a fee or membership to the third party site may be required for access. Permission for use must be requested through the publisher or author listed in each entry.
SciGirls Strategies - Year Three Evaluation Reports
PublicationSciGirls Strategies year three evaluation and case studies reports on each participating educator.
“You know you can do this, right?”: Developing geospatial technological pedagogical content knowledge (GS-TPACK) and enhancing teachers’ cartographic behaviors with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations (SESI).
PublicationMany barriers exist to K–12 classroom teachers’ adoption and implementation of geospatial technologies with their students. To address this circumstance, we have developed and implemented a geospatial curriculum approach to promote teachers’ professional growth with curriculum-linked professional development (PD) to support the adoption of socio-environmental science investigations (SESI) in an urban school environment that includes reluctant learners. SESI focus on social issues related to environmental science. The pedagogy is inquiry-driven, with students engaged in map-based mobile data
COMPUGIRLS Stepping Stone to Future Computer-Based Technology Pathways
PublicationThe COMPUGIRLS: Culturally relevant technology program for adolescent girls was developed to promote underrepresented girls' future possible selves and career pathways in computer-related technology fields. We hypothesized that the COMPUGIRLS would promote academic possible selves and self-regulation to achieve these possible selves. We compared the growth trajectories of academic possible selves and self-regulation between the program participants and a comparison group using latent growth modeling for two semesters. There was no significant group difference in the growth trajectories of
ITEST Snapshot 2018: An Overview of NSF's ITEST Program
PublicationThe attached document provides an overview of the National Science Foundation's ITEST Program. The data for this report was derived from Management Information System (MIS) survey data from 2003-2017, a survey of newly-awarded projects in 2018, and from the NSF report of all ITEST project awards.
ITEST Data Brief: Partnerships in ITEST
PublicationITEST Data Brief Volume 5, Issue 1, August 2018. This data brief explores the partnerships that ITEST projects engage in for project planning and design, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation.
FastLane Proposal Submission - Quickstart Guide
PublicationUpdate 3/10/2020: Innovating and migrating proposal preparation and submission capabilities from FastLane to is part of the ongoing NSF information technology modernization efforts, as described in Important Notice No. 147. In support of these efforts, the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) and Discovery Research pre-K—12 (DRK-12) programs now require the use of for the preparation and submission of proposals. Proposals also may continue to be submitted via use of *************************************FastLane Proposal
Becoming Technosocial Change Agents: Intersectionality and Culturally Responsive Pedagogies as Vital Resources for Increasing Girls’ Participation in Computing
PublicationDrawing from our two‐year ethnography, we juxtapose the experiences of two cohorts in one culturally responsive computing program, examining how the program fostered girls’ emerging identities as technosocial change agents. In presenting this in‐depth and up‐close exploration, we simultaneously identify conditions that both facilitated and limited the program's potential. Ultimately, we illustrate how these findings can enhance anthropological research and practice in youth identity, culturally responsive pedagogies, and computing education.
A new perspective on computational thinking
PublicationThis article examines cognitive essence of computational thinking (CT). It introduces a clear and universal definition and suggests that we teach children biological CT skills long before they need to learn electronic CT skills.
The Synergies Project: Preliminary Results and Insights from Two Years of Longitudinal Survey Research
PublicationOur study seeks to improve understanding of how STEM interest develops during adolescence, and how a variety of community resources and out-of-school activities support that development. Our 4-year, Synergies project is a longitudinal study that documents STEM interest and participation trajectories of a cohort of middle school-aged youth as they progress from 5th through 8th grade. The premise of the project is that if one more fully understood how and why people, in particular early adolescent youth, develop STEM-related interests through the utilization of STEM resources, it should be
The Synergies Research–Practice Partnership Project: A 2020 Vision Case Study
PublicationThis paper, describes Synergies, an on-going longitudinal study and design effort, being conducted in a diverse, under-resourced community in Portland, Oregon, with the goal of measurably improving STEM learning, interest and participation by early adolescents, both in school and out of school. Authors examine how the work of this particular research-practice partnership is attempting to accommodate the six principles outlined in this issue: (1) to more accurately reflect learning as a lifelong process occurring across settings, situations and time frames; (2) to consider what STEM content is