
Resources included in these libraries were submitted by ITEST projects or STELAR and are relevant to the work of the NSF ITEST Program. PDFs and/or URLs to the original resource are included in the resource description whenever possible. In some cases, full text publications are located behind publishers’ paywalls and a fee or membership to the third party site may be required for access. Permission for use must be requested through the publisher or author listed in each entry.


Resources included in these libraries were submitted by ITEST projects or STELAR and are relevant to the work of the NSF ITEST Program. PDFs and/or URLs to the original resource are included in the resource description whenever possible. In some cases, full text publications are located behind publishers’ paywalls and a fee or membership to the third party site may be required for access. Permission for use must be requested through the publisher or author listed in each entry.

31 - 40 of 164

Preservice Teachers’ Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-efficacy and Outcome Expectancy Beliefs


Guided by the theoretical and empirical research on self-efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs, and the Culturally Responsive Teaching Competencies [Siwatu, K.O. (2006a). The development of the culturally responsive teaching competencies: Implications for teacher education. Manuscript under review], two measures—the Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale (CRTSE) and the Culturally Responsive Teaching Outcome Expectancy (CRTOE) Scale—were developed and administered to a sample of preservice teachers in the Midwest. The findings from this study suggest that preservice teachers are

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Teaching Confidence Scale


This paper reports the results of an ongoing study of changes in teacher efficacy from entry into a preparation program through the first year of actual teaching. Multiple quantitative assessments of efficacy were used including items developed for the RAND studies, Gibson and Dembo’s Teacher Efficacy Scale, Bandura’s Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale, and an instrument designed to reflect the specific context and goals of the preparation program studied.

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Engineering Identity Development Among Pre‐Adolescent Learners


The purpose of this study was to examine the development of the Engineering Identity Development Scale (EIDS), an instrument designed to assess elementary school students' identity development in engineering. This study describes a three-phase approach to item construction, administration, and the gathering reliable and valid evidence for scores on the EIDS.

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Engagement Survey


The Engagement survey was written for use with 10-14 year-old respondents immediately after a science activity, whether in a class or in an informal learning context. Such contextualized and immediate use minimizes memory biases or inferences based on beliefs the learner has about themselves or the learning context. Accordingly, it should be used after a focused science activity rather than as a measure of general engagement over a series of activities. No particular assumptions are made about task structure (e.g., brief or extended, alone or collaborative, adult guided or student guided)

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STEM Learning Activation survey


Designed to be used with 10-14 year olds, these survey scales are used to assess an individual across multiple dimensions of STEM learning activation (Fascination, Values, Competency Belief, Innovation Stance). Please note that these can be used in conjunction with the scientific sensemaking scale included in Science Learning Activation survey. These scales can be used concurrently to measure the multi-dimensional construct of STEM learning activation or separately to measure individual dimensions. 1. Fascination - Fascination involves positive affect towards doing STEM activities, curiosity

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Career Maturity Inventory Form C


It is a 24-item scale that measures change along four scales of student career awareness and planning, along with open-response items about specific schooling intentions and career aspirations. Four scales are Concern, Curiosity, Confidence, and Consultation.

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Measuring Cognitive and Psychological Engagement: Validation of the Student Engagement Instrument


A review of relevant literatures led to the construction of a self-report instrument designed to measure two subtypes of student engagement with school: cognitive and psychological engagement. The psychometric properties of this measure, the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI), were assessed based on responses of an ethnically and economically diverse urban sample of 1931 ninth grade students. Factor structures were obtained using exploratory factor analyses (EFAs) on half of the dataset, with model fit examined using confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) on the other half of the dataset. The

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A School Connectedness Scale for Use with Adolescents


Evaluators are frequently asked to assess the effectiveness of school programs implemented to improve academic achievement. School connectedness has been shown to be directly related to academic achievement and is therefore of interest to evaluators. The construct of school connectedness has been shown to consist of 3 elements: connectedness to adults in schools, connectedness to peers, and connectedness to the school. This paper reports the psychometric properties and factor analyses findings from a School Connectedness Scale (SCS) given to adolescents in 2 very different high schools in the

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Assessing Gaming, Computer and Scientific Inquiry Self-Efficacy in a Virtual Environment


In this chapter, I discuss the development, piloting and revision of a new instrument for measuring pre/post the academic self-efficacy of students. The initial motivation for the creation of this new instrument came from an unsuccessful search for an instrument to measure self-efficacy in an NSF-funded project designed to investigate the motivational effects of a multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) on the science achievement of middle-school students. However, individual sections of the new instrument can contribute in general to the more-finely discriminated measurement of self-efficacy

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