Developing AI Literacy (DAILy)

Curricular Materials

Everyone will be impacted by AI in daily life and in the workplaces of the future. It is critical for all students to have fundamental knowledge of AI and to understand AI's potential for good and harm. The Daily-AI program will jumpstart your readiness for AI and give you the tools you need to prepare for the AI-enabled world. The Daily-AI workshop, designed by MIT educators and experienced facilitators, features hands-on and computer-based activities on AI concepts, ethical issues in AI, creative expression using AI, and how AI relates to your future. You will experience training and using

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Design & Pitch Challenges in STEM (Middle School)

Curricular Materials

In these Challenges, you will need to think like an entrepreneur as you create real solutions to messy STEM problems. You will need to use your knowledge and expertise in creative ways to invent new products that meet customers’ needs. You will need to be able to recognize when you need to learn something new about STEM, your customers, or the situation, and be willing to work to learn it. But entrepreneurship is not just about building great solutions. At the end of each Challenge, you will need to convince a panel of judges that your solution is worth funding in a process called “making a

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AOLME Level 1 Curriculum

Curricular Materials

Expand Latinx Learners’ Authentic Experiences in Computer Programming The curriculum was designed for and renovated through the participation and feedback of middle school students. It integrates basics of Computer Programming and Mathematics concepts and activities needed to represent digital video and color images. It draws on the almost natural motivation of users, middle school students, with digital image and video. The curriculum contains two Levels. Level-1 introduces the concepts of image and video representations. Level-2 takes these basic concepts to a next step by introducing object

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Curricular Materials

Engaging K-12 Students in Integrated STEM via 3D Digitization, Printing and Paleontology The goal of this Strategies project is to expand and extend our understanding of integrated STEM learning by designing and testing a model for K-12 STEM engagement using a highly relevant but unexplored educational pathway to K-12 STEM – paleontology. Paleontology, or the scientific study of fossils, is a broad, interdisciplinary field that spans biology and geology, and harnesses the resources provided by advanced technologies and modern statistics. Our team of K-12 teachers, museum professionals, 3D

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DAILy AI Concept Inventory - questions related to artificial intelligence


In this survey you will be asked to answer a series of questions related to artificial intelligence (AI). The purpose of these questions is to capture your pre-existing ideas about AI and AI concept knowledge before you start the Everyday AI program. So it’s totally OK if you are unsure of a lot of your answers - Just make your best guesses! We will not grade your answers. This survey data will be used to help us figure out what you have learned through this program (between the start and end of the program) so that we can make the program better! For for information, please contact Irene Lee

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Curricular Materials

CryptoComics is a culturally responsive cryptology and cybersecurity curriculum for 7-11 year old. children. An innovative blend of a comic book, technology-based and unplugged activities engages kids in making and breaking codes, symbolic systems awareness and cryptology careers.

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Engaging Women in Engineering: Training Mentors to Make a Difference

2019 - 2023
Engineering Women

This project will prepare high-achieving high school students for courses in engineering. Through the Engineering WINS (EngWINS) program, the project will develop the capabilities of working engineers and faculty to serve as mentors in a new initiative to develop interest, self-efficacy, and persistence in engineering careers among urban high school women.

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