ITEST Projects Shine in the NSF 2015 Teaching & Learning Video Showcase


In May 2015, seventeen ITEST projects presented videos in the 2015 National Science Foundation Teaching and Learning Video Showcase. Organized by TERC, the showcase contained 112 videos produced by NSF-funded projects associated with one of these resource centers: ARC, CADRE, CAISE, CIRCL, CS10K, MSPNet, and STELAR.

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NSF 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase - Call for Participation


This online event will showcase cutting-edge NSF-funded work to improve teaching and learning and will allow colleagues affiliated with MSPnet, CADRE, CIRCL, CAISE, STELAR, CS10Kcommunity, and ARC to view, discuss, and comment on each others’ work. It will also allow each project to disseminate their work to the public at large, helping NSF achieve its goal of broad dissemination of innovative work.

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Making Educational Games That Work in The Classroom


The development of analytical skills is a central goal of the Next Generation Science Standards and foundational to subject mastery in STEM fields. Yet, significant barriers exist to students gaining such skills. Here we describe a new “gentleslope” cyberlearning strategy that gradually introduces students to the authoring of scientific simulations via a Web-based modding approach called CyberMOD. Modding involves adding agents with predefined functionality to a simulation world to produce a unique combination whose behavior can then be visualized by running the simulation. This permits low

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Freedom Machines


The Freedom Machines film, discussion guide, lesson plan, and resource guides are designed to dramatically broaden the concept of diversity for all students through telling the intimate stories of adults and children with disabilities who are using modern technologies to change their lives. Original Freedom Machines website

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National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics


The Library contains uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction (K-8 emphasis). The ultimate goal of the library is to create a national resource from which teachers may freely draw to enrich their mathematics classrooms. The materials is also intended to be of importance for the mathematical training of both in-service and pre-service elementary teachers.

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The EdITLib Digital Library


The EdITLib Digital Library is an online resource of peer-reviewed and published international journal articles and proceedings papers on the latest research, developments, and applications related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning.

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National Science Digital Library (NSDL)


NSDL is a digital library of exemplary resource collections and services, organized in support of science education at all levels. Starting with a partnership of NSDL-funded projects, NSDL is emerging as a center of innovation in digital libraries as applied to education, and a community center for groups focused on digital-library-enabled science education. Mission: NSDL provides educational resources for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. The NSDL mission is to both deepen and extend science literacy through access to materials and methods that reveal the nature of

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Gender and Science Digital Library (GSDL)


The Gender & Science Digital Library (GSDL) is a cutting-edge, collaborative project between the Gender & Diversities Institute at Education Development Center, Inc (EDC) and the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC) at Ohio State University. It is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF has established the National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Digital Library program (NSDL) – a massive, international initiative which will result in a network of learning environments and resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (STEM)

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Science Museum of MN 'Invention Crew' paves way for future engineers


Saint Paul Public Schools is working with the Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center at the Science Museum of Minnesota, and Saint Paul College to bring a high level engineering program to students at Saint Paul public high schools. Students, who are interviewed and hired by the Science Museum, become a part of Invention Crew (an ITEST project also known as IDEA). Using professional equipment, the Invention Crew has designed a device that will help

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