Teachers and students expand their robotics skills together in new K-12 STEM program


Supported by the National Science Foundation as part of its commitment to preparing future generations for STEM-related careers and rapidly changing work environments, the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program at NYU Tandon centers on robotics and engineering design, as well as entrepreneurship, to help teachers develop their own technical skills and spearhead robotics curricula and after-school programs at

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Turning high school students into cyber sleuths


A larger program at the Tandon school is called STEMNow, which this summer is bringing more than 700 middle- and high-school students and 130 teachers to the Downtown Brooklyn campus for deep dives into the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and math). STEMNow puts a particular emphasis on diversity and providing hands-on research and experimentation for students whose regular schools may lack those opportunities.

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Teaching Computational Thinking Patterns in Rural Communities


In this chapter you will learn how a community college in rural Wyoming is implementing professional development resources in Computer Science and computational thinking skills for middle and high school teachers in their communities. The objective of the community college was to build relationships with schools to teach Computer Science concepts and computational thinking skills in the classroom. In this day and age, many people young and old are spending time on playing games or simulations. Why not teach Computer Science concepts and computational thinking skills through gaming and

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Preparing Teachers to Engage Rural Students in Computational Thinking through Robotics, Game Design, and Culturally Responsive Teaching


This article examines teacher preparation and teacher change in engineering and computer science education. We examined culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy (CRTSE), culturally responsive teaching outcome expectancy (CRTOE) beliefs, and attitudes toward computational thinking (CT) as teachers participated in one of three treatment groups: robotics only, game design only, or blended robotics/game design. Descriptive data revealed that CRTSE gain scores were higher in the robotics only and blended contexts than in the game design only context. However, CRTOE beliefs were consistent

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Relationship of Middle School Student STEM Interest to Career Intent


Understanding middle school students’ perceptions regarding STEM dispositions, and the role attitudes play in establishing STEM career aspirations, is imperative to preparing the STEM workforce of the future. Data were gathered from more than 800 middle school students participating in a hands-on, real world application curriculum to examine the relationship of the students’ interest in STEM and their intentions to pursue a career in a STEM field. Among the middle school students who completed surveys for the MSOSW project, 46.6% expressed a desire to pursue a career in STEM at the time of the

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SIUE’s “Digital East St. Louis” inspires local students to explore city’s history and culture


Students from East St. Louis are documenting the culture and history of their hometown, while gaining valuable knowledge and computer skills, by participating in Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's Digital East St. Louis program. Now in its third year, the program continues to incorporate new interactive projects for the students, with the underlying goal of inspiring a love for STEM through creative digital humanities content.

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SciGirls Profiles: Women in STEM


These women are the innovators, problem-solvers and dreamers who live right next door. They’re passionate about their work, hobbies, families and helping to make the world a better place. They share their strategies for overcoming challenges and finding success and joy in jobs where women are underrepresented, and inspire girls to pursue all kinds of interests and career paths... After watching, complete this short survey to unlock video extras: tcptv.polldaddy.com/s/scigirls-profiles-women-in-stem

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GRACE interns research community issues


Students from Houghton and CLK schools spent the summer roaming the streets of Calumet and Laurium in the name of scientific research. These students spent the last six weeks as GRACE Program interns. They mapped their surroundings, collected data and learned Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a computer mapping software, to improve their communities.

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Fun with GIS 2016: GRACE


Michigan's GRACE Project (GIS Resources and Applications for Career Education) helps students use GIS. GRACE uses a coordinated and multi-tiered approach for educators and students alike, and works with communities across the state to identify partners interested in high school student interns with GIS knowledge and skills. Last week, at the Great Lakes Research Center at Michigan Tech, in Houghton, in "copper country" of Michigan's Upper

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GRACE interns GIS-based youth neighborhood and health research StoryMaps


We had a full house at the Great Lakes Research Center last night to celebrate the GRACE interns, who presented their data collection and analysis about the streets, parks, buildings, and social activity that influence our daily lives in the Keweenaw. We are so proud of their smart questions and polished presentations!

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