NSF EHR Core Research (ECR) Solicitation


EHR Core Research (ECR) Reviewers Needed: If you are interested in reviewing ECR proposals please submit a brief CV to ECR@nsf.gov.

EHR Core Research (ECR) Fundamental Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education

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NSF Opportunities: Broadening Participation in STEM


On Thursday, June 22, STELAR hosted a special webinar held on behalf of the National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) highlighting funding opportunities within EHR especially aimed at broadening participation in STEM. Program Officers from all four EHR Divisions

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STEM Media That Matters: Summative Evaluation of Youth Radio’s Innovation Lab


To explore the role and impact of Youth Radio’s NEXT: The Innovation Lab, Rockman et al, an independent research and evaluation organization, conducted an external evaluation of the project. With funding from the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, the Innovation Lab sought to develop and research a scalable, evidence-informed theory of action to engage underrepresented youth in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning through the collaborative creation and dissemination of original journalistic media, technology, and

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2017 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference


2017 SACNAS is a conference like no other. Equal parts science, culture, and community, 2017 SACNAS is the largest diversity in STEM conference in the country, with three days of cutting-edge science, training, mentoring, and cultural activities for scientists at all levels and disciplines. For over 40 years, the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) has been the leading multicultural and multidisciplinary STEM diversity organization in the country. 

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Curriculum and Community Enterprise for Restoration Science (CCERS) Project featured on NSF Science Nation


Dr. Lauren Birney and staff of the ITEST project "Curriculum and Community Enterprise for New York Harbor Restoration in New York City Public Schools" were recently featured on the National Science Foundation's Science Nation online magazine, in the article "Hands-on learning research that benefits the economy, environment."Click here to read the full article on NSF's website, or view the video below.

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ITEST Project STUDIO: Build Our World Receives Communications Award


STELAR congratulates ITEST collaborative research project, Creating a STEM Pipeline for Low Income and Immigrant Youth, also known as STUDIO: Build Our World, for receiving a silver medal in the 2017 Council for the Advancement and Support of Education District VIII Communication Awards for the project video appearing below. STUDIO: Build Our World is an after-school STEM mentoring partnership between the University of Washington (UW) 3DL

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AEA Dialogues on Race and Class in America


The American Evaluation Association (AEA) will be hosting a series of national dialogues to reflect and promote positive actions on the deeply rooted, and structurally intertwined issues behind the headlines that propel racial, ethnic, and class disparities in our society. These complimentary discussions will bring evaluators, policy analysts, and applied researchers together to discern ways to proactively engage entrenched issues as the nation goes from one headline making incident to the next.

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