National Science Foundation - Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program Solicitation


ITEST is a program that promotes PreK-12 student interests and capacities to participate in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and information and communications technology (ICT) workforce of the future. To achieve this objective, ITEST supports the development, implementation, and selective spread of innovative strategies for engaging students in experiences that: 

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2016 AERA Annual Meeting - Call for Submissions


About the Annual Meeting

The AERA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative studies in a diverse array of areas -- from early education through higher education, from digital learning to second language literacy. It is where to encounter ideas and data that will shape tomorrow's education practices and policies, and where to connect with leading thinkers from the U.S. and around the world. 

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2016 ITEEA - Call for Presenters and STEM Showcases


The International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) is the professional organization for technology, innovation, design, and engineering educators.  Our mission is to promote technological literacy for all by supporting the teaching of technology and engineering and promoting the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits.  ITEEA strengthens the profession through leadership, professional development, membership services, publications, and classroom activities.

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The Saint Paul Foundation - Advancing Racial Equity Grant Opportunity


For 75 years, The Saint Paul Foundation has worked with people and organizations to keep Saint Paul strong and vital. Today, advancing racial equity is one of the most critical challenges and biggest opportunities facing Saint Paul and East Metro communities. The Saint Paul Foundation is committed to supporting efforts to end racism and racial disparities so that everyone in the East Metro has opportunities to thrive for the next 75 years.

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ITEST Projects Shine in the NSF 2015 Teaching & Learning Video Showcase


In May 2015, seventeen ITEST projects presented videos in the 2015 National Science Foundation Teaching and Learning Video Showcase. Organized by TERC, the showcase contained 112 videos produced by NSF-funded projects associated with one of these resource centers: ARC, CADRE, CAISE, CIRCL, CS10K, MSPNet, and STELAR.

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SACNAS - Call for Session Proposals


SACNAS invites professionals to submit session proposals for our National Conference. Sessions at the National Conference include professional development sessions, leadership development sessions, and scientific symposia sessions to train and inspire conference attendees, from undergraduates through professionals, as they progress in their careers and attain positions of leadership in STEM.

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NSF 2015 Teaching and Learning Video Showcase - Call for Participation


This online event will showcase cutting-edge NSF-funded work to improve teaching and learning and will allow colleagues affiliated with MSPnet, CADRE, CIRCL, CAISE, STELAR, CS10Kcommunity, and ARC to view, discuss, and comment on each others’ work. It will also allow each project to disseminate their work to the public at large, helping NSF achieve its goal of broad dissemination of innovative work.

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New ITEST Data Brief Published


The ITEST program specifically targets its work toward engaging the participation of youth who have been traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary STEM education and the STEM workforce, including, but not limited to, “… women, underrepresented minorities (African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders) and persons with disabilities” (2014 NSF ITEST solicitation). How do projects

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