Congratulations to Sarita Saju: student in ITEST-Nano program wins science award 


Sarita Saju, student from George Washington High School involved in the ITEST-Nano program (also known as Nanotechnology and Bioengineering in Philadelphia Public Schools), recently received top awards at science fairs for her nanotechnology project, titled "Polymer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes as Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors." Her project was based on work during her internship with expert scientists from the School of Engineering and

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World’s busiest Web site headquarters hosts, mentors PV youth


ITEST project the Girl Game Company took its 40 middle school girl participants on a half-day field trip to visit Google headquarters. The girls were able to interact with elite computer engineers, check out what it's like to work in a corporate environment, and present their software creations to Google engineers. Field trips and partnerships like this are important in helping youth understand the real-world application of the skills they

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Exploratorium sponsors tech outreach program


The ITEST X-Tech program's goal is to foster critical thinking among its participants. Drawing from local, underserved populations, this program requires its participants to commit for two years, including summers--90% of participants stick with it.

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WHS girls earn national recognition for their tech knowledge


Watsonville High School freshmen Idzel Cano and Brianna Flores are students participating in “Tech Teach,” part of Watsonville TEC (also known as ITEST project Animando a Estudiantes con Technologia), as high school instructors who teach middle school students computer operation and webpage design. Years prior, as middle school students at Lakeview Elementary, Cano and Flores were part of an after school program called the Girl Game Company, in

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Students to launch weather balloons in northwestern Minnesota


As part of ITEST project Reach for the Sky, teams of 4th through 8th grade students are to launch eight spacecraft to the edge of outer space (“near-space" — the upper reaches of the atmosphere, above 80,000 feet). In about 30 experiments, the students will test science theories and apply hands-on science and math to their world.

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Three county girls recognized for technology achievements: national award aims to encourage tech-saavy women


Watsonville High School freshmen Idzel Cano, 14, and Brianna Flores, 14, are among 25 talented Bay Area girls who will be honored by the National Center for Women and Information with an award for aspirations in computing Sunday at the Computer History Museum in San Jose. Cano and Flores learned game design while middle-schoolers through the Girl Game Company, an after-school ITEST project sponsored by Scotts Valley-based ETR Associates in

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Scientist goes mad for philanthropy and teaching 


This year’s Harlem Children Society students – some from families torn apart by incarceration, others first generation immigrants from countries as far flung as Ghana and Guyana, and all promising students who qualify for free lunch – will meet their mentors, who are reknowned scientists at leading research institutions, for the first time at an induction ceremony at NYU’s Kimmel Center. The students will celebrate their accomplishments in two

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Getting NYC teens into science


Expanding the minds of teenagers, and their career options, is the goal of the Harlem Children Society. The non-profit places low-income high school students in real working labs all over the city and gives them stipends. It was founded 10 years ago by Dr. Sat Bhattacharya, a molecular geneticist and cancer researcher who works at Sloan Kettering and Rockefeller University. By offering internships with pretigious science and medical labls, Dr

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Awakening the 'tech' in girls' brains


Developed in 2007, COMPUGIRLS is an ITEST project that serves 60 girls in underserved school districts in the Phoenix-metro area. The girls, who are predominantly Hispanic, Native American and African-American, can begin the program as eighth graders and participate in six distinct courses, meeting four times a week for five weeks. In addition to advancing techno-social skills, they learn to improve their writing, conduct interviews, draft

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Helping students reach higher


ITEST project Reach for the Sky brings innovative curricula and activities in STEM disciplines to the White Earth students over a five-week span. This program is particularly beneficial because it makes STEM culturally relevant to local Anishinaabe youth.

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