Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) – Levels of Use


The Levels of Use is one of three components that make up the diagnostic dimensions of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model. Determining Levels of Use is done with the use of a series of questions that a facilitator asks a staff member, during a focused interview. The Levels of Use interview protocol enables educators to know not only the extent to which staff are using a new program but also whether individuals are at a beginning stage—still working through the challenges associated with grasping the program—or at a more advanced level, where he or she has expertise in using the program. With

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Computational Thinking Pattern Analysis (CTPA)


Computational Thinking Pattern Analysis (CTPA) enables teachers to visualize which of nine specific skills students have mastered in game design that can then be used to create simulations. CTPA has the potential to automatically recognize and calculate student computational thinking skills as well as to map students’ computational thinking skill progression, as they proceed through the curriculum.The link and attachment provide documentation about the instrument.Authors provide instrument validity or reliability information.

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ITEST Data Brief: Project Strategies to Engage Underrepresented Populations


ITEST Data Brief Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2015The ITEST program specifically targets its work toward engaging the participation of youth who have been traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary STEM education and the STEM workforce, including, but not limited to, “… women, underrepresented minorities (African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders) and persons with disabilities” (2014 NSF ITEST solicitation). How do projects do this?A 2012 DataBrief describing the work of ITEST projects found that many ITEST projects do

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Scientists bring new rigor to education research


This article in Scientific American features the ITEST project Predicting STEM Career Choice from Computational Indicators of Student Engagement within Middle School Mathematics Classes. The article details efforts to bring more rigorous science to classrooms and research that is showing that our intuitions about education may be wrong.

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Computational Thinking, Technological Fluency, Computational Literacy, and 21st Century Skills: A Research Evaluation Working Group Conversation


Conversation Starter: Jim Diamond, evaluator for iDesign

Summary: There is a lot of overlap in the concepts of computational thinking, technological fluency, computational literacy, and 21st century skills, and none of the concepts are easy to measure. In this webinar we will consider common definitions for one or two of the constructs, as well as thinking about how to measure them.

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School Perceptions Questionnaire (SPQ) Scale


The School Perceptions Questionnaire (SPQ) Scale is a 13-item scale, each scored on a 5-point Likert scale, that assesses the extent to which a student's self-esteem is connected with and dependent upon academic outcomes (also called selective valuing or domain identification in the self-concept literature; identification is conceptually distinct from academic self-esteem or academic self-concept). The link provides both the SPQ Scale as well as its documentation.Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.

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Force Concept Inventory


The Force Concept Inventory is an instrument designed to probe introductory physics students' beliefs on the central Newtonian concept of force and to probe how these beliefs compare with the many dimensions of the Newtonian concept. The Inventory categorizes Newtonian concepts and commonsense beliefs into six categories: kinematics, impetus, active force, action/reaction pairs, concatenation of influences, and other influences in motion (resistance, gravity). The link below provides access to the instrument and detailed documentation. The attached PDF provides instrument documentation. http:/

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Teacher Beliefs Interview


The Teacher Beliefs Interview is a semi-structured, 7-item protocol designed to elicit beginning secondary science teachers' beliefs about teaching, learning, and students in mathematics and science classes.The linked and attached article provides both the Teacher Beliefs Interview and its documentation.Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.

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Program Evaluation of ITEST: Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers


ITEST projects provide meaningful learning opportunities for youth and their teachers, with a focus on increasing the understanding about possible STEM careers. A subset of the projects that have shown success are being funded to scale up. Others are working to improve the knowledge base on effective STEM experiences by conducting research or convening researchers and practitioners. This document demonstrates the scheme behind the evaluation of the ITEST program as a whole.SRI International presentation, 2012.

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