CPS/CWIC Employability Assessment


The CPS/ CWIC Employability Assessment (EA) is conducted twice a year in year in the first and third quarters. EA is an observed assessment of 16 core 21st century college and career skills. Employability Assessments measure behavioral skills required for college and career success. This CPS custom tool was created by the Chicago Workforce Investment Council after extensively researching industry, education and academic reports on career readiness. Assessment tool includes Online Assessment Scoring and Rubric.

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National Science Foundation - Instructional Materials Development Program


This document presents the final report on the evaluation of the Instructional Materials Development (IMD) program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and focuses on issues related to the development, dissemination, adoption, implementation, and impact of new instructional materials. The IMD program evaluates products at each step, from product development to classroom use. Instruments are included for evaluating elementary and secondary school science and mathematics materials for classroom use.

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The Impact of Environmental Education on Sense of Place Among Urban Youth


Research suggests that an ecologically informed sense of place, including strong place attachment and ecological place meaning, contributes to pro-environmental behaviors. Yet it is unclear whether an intervention such as environmental education can intentionally influence sense of place, especially in cities. To investigate the impact of urban environmental education programs on sense of place, we used pre/post surveys of youth in 5-week environmental and non-environmental summer youth programs in the Bronx, New York City, in 2010. Results show that urban environmental education programs

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A School Connectedness Scale for Use with Adolescents


Evaluators are frequently asked to assess the effectiveness of school programs implemented to improve academic achievement. School connectedness has been shown to be directly related to academic achievement and is therefore of interest to evaluators. The construct of school connectedness has been shown to consist of 3 elements: connectedness to adults in schools, connectedness to peers, and connectedness to the school. This paper reports the psychometric properties and factor analyses findings from a School Connectedness Scale (SCS) given to adolescents in 2 very different high schools in the

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What Makes for Powerful Classrooms, and How Can We Support Teachers in Creating Them? A Story of Research and Practice, Productively Intertwined


This article and my career as an educational researcher are grounded in two fundamental assumptions: (a) that research and practice can and should live in productive synergy, with each enhancing the other, and (b) that research focused on teaching and learning in a particular discipline can, if carefully framed, yield insights that have implications across a broad spectrum of disciplines. This article begins by describing in brief two bodies of work that exemplify these two fundamental assumptions. I then elaborate on a third example, the development of a new set of tools for understanding and

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Utilizing Collaboration Theory to Evaluate Strategic Alliances


Increasingly, collaboration between business, non-profit, health and educational agencies is being championed as a powerful strategy to achieve a vision otherwise not possible when independent entities work alone. But the definition of collaboration is elusive and it is often difficult for organizations to put collaboration into practice and assess it with certainty. Program evaluators can assist practitioners concerned with the development of a strategic alliance predicated on collaboration by understanding and utilizing principles of collaboration theory. The Strategic Alliance Formative

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Evalu-ATE & Mentor Connect Webinar: Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators


On behalf of EvaluATE & Mentor-Connect, we invite you to attend "Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators!"

e · val · u · a · tion: determination of the value, nature, character, or quality of something or someone*

But what is program evaluation?

Why does the National Science Foundation (NSF) require that the projects they fund be evaluated? How much does it cost? Who can do it? What does a good evaluation plan look like? What will happen? What are you supposed to do with the results?

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2018 STELAR ITEST Principal Investigator and Evaluator Summit


On behalf of the National Science Foundation, STELAR hosted more than 90 ITEST projects at the 2018 Summit.

2018 STELAR ITEST Principal Investigator and Evaluator Summit
Equity and Access at the Human-Technology Frontier

Monday, May 14 - Tuesday, May 15, 2018
(Legislative visits to be held Wednesday, May 16)
The Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria VA 22314

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Teaching Strategies that Promote Science Career Awareness


This monograph shares results of our inquiry into pedagogical strategies that infuse career awareness into science lessons. We first identify four cognitive building blocks of career development and four promising approaches for raising awareness of science careers. We then provide a typology of ten replicable teacher practice strategies, with accompanying examples of each. These findings are part of a larger exploration into the potential for secondary science teachers to increase student awareness of, and interest in, science careers, and are intended to contribute to field-building efforts

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