STEM Career Connections Resources
Curricular MaterialsNSF Arecibo Center for STEM Education and Research (ACSER)
OpportunitiesThe National Science Foundation (NSF) hereby solicits proposals for the establishment of the Arecibo Center for STEM Education and Research (ACSER) at the original site of the Arecibo Observatory (AO). NSF seeks to evaluate proposals that would transition the existing AO site to the new ACSER, shifting the disciplinary focus from primarily on the astronomical sciences to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and research more broadly [1].
Creating STEM Pathways at Detroit's Aquarium
VideoWelcome to Detroit and the Belle Isle Aquarium, where students come to see fish, turtles, and frogs and leave with learning and excitement about what they, too, could be doing in the world of science. This project starts with teacher professional development to enhance their knowledge of biology and
Fairness in Artificial Intelligence in Collaboration with Amazon (FAI) Program Webinar
EventPlease join the NSF staff for a webinar for Fairness in AI program (NSF 21-585)
STELAR Webinars: 2020 NSF ITEST Solicitation and Q&A Session
EventIn April and May of 2020, STELAR hosted National Science Foundation Program Officers for a series of informative webinars on the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Program’s Solicitation (NSF 19-583). View the presentation, slides, and additional resources provided during these events.
ITEST Community Meetup: Start-Up Challenges for Newly Funded Projects
EventCOVID-19 is changing many aspects of our life, including how we do our work. While “social distancing” has become the new normal, maintaining connections with our colleagues and stakeholders has become increasingly important. As the resource center for the ITEST program, we would like to provide an open space for currently funded projects to come together as a community.
Repeat Session - ITEST Community Meetup: Keeping Our STEM Efforts Going Amid Social Distancing
EventCOVID-19 is changing many aspects of our life, including how we do our work. While “social distancing” has become the new normal, maintaining connections with our colleagues and stakeholders has become increasingly important. As the resource center for the ITEST program, we would like to provide an open space for currently funded projects to come together as a community and discuss: