Epistemological, Psychological, Neurosciences, and Cognitive Essence of Computational Thinking


The construct of computational thinking (CT) was popularized a decade ago as an “attitude and skillset” for everyone. However, since it is equated with thinking by computer scientists, the teaching of these skills poses many challenges at K-12 because of their reliance on the use of electronic computers and programming concepts that are often found too abstract and difficult by young students. This article links CT – i.e., thinking generated and facilitated by a computational device – to our typical fundamental cognitive processes by using a model of mind that is aligned with research in

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STEM Learning Activation survey


Designed to be used with 10-14 year olds, these survey scales are used to assess an individual across multiple dimensions of STEM learning activation (Fascination, Values, Competency Belief, Innovation Stance). Please note that these can be used in conjunction with the scientific sensemaking scale included in Science Learning Activation survey. These scales can be used concurrently to measure the multi-dimensional construct of STEM learning activation or separately to measure individual dimensions. 1. Fascination - Fascination involves positive affect towards doing STEM activities, curiosity

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Career Maturity Inventory Form C


It is a 24-item scale that measures change along four scales of student career awareness and planning, along with open-response items about specific schooling intentions and career aspirations. Four scales are Concern, Curiosity, Confidence, and Consultation.

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Measuring Cognitive and Psychological Engagement: Validation of the Student Engagement Instrument


A review of relevant literatures led to the construction of a self-report instrument designed to measure two subtypes of student engagement with school: cognitive and psychological engagement. The psychometric properties of this measure, the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI), were assessed based on responses of an ethnically and economically diverse urban sample of 1931 ninth grade students. Factor structures were obtained using exploratory factor analyses (EFAs) on half of the dataset, with model fit examined using confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) on the other half of the dataset. The

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Style Engineers

Curricular Materials

Style Engineers is a program designed for young girls who love fashion as much as we do! We think the real magic of fashion is how science, technology, engineering, and mathematicsare part of the process of fashion design. On this site, you will find a series of activities designed to explore the science and technology of fashion.

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A School Connectedness Scale for Use with Adolescents


Evaluators are frequently asked to assess the effectiveness of school programs implemented to improve academic achievement. School connectedness has been shown to be directly related to academic achievement and is therefore of interest to evaluators. The construct of school connectedness has been shown to consist of 3 elements: connectedness to adults in schools, connectedness to peers, and connectedness to the school. This paper reports the psychometric properties and factor analyses findings from a School Connectedness Scale (SCS) given to adolescents in 2 very different high schools in the

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Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference Video Contest Award Winners - 2018


The Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Education and Human Resources Programs (EHR) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Human Resource Development (HRD), within the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR). The conference is aimed at college and university undergraduate

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Barcoding Life's Matrix: Engaging Students as Citizen Scientists in the Barcode of Life Initiative


Discovery-based science education represents a structured alternative to open-ended forms of hands-on inquiry that is now being employed in a number of secondary and post-secondary settings to address science education reform agendas. In the context of molecular life science education, this particular form of instruction links domain knowledge, laboratory methods, and bioinformatics (or computational biology) within the framework of a complete and integrated analytic workflow that culminates in a tangible scientific output and a bona fide contribution to a particular body of scientific

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