Framework for Evaluating Impacts of Broadening Participation Projects: Report from a National Science Foundation Workshop

Cover of Report

BackgroundThis report grew out of a workshop and follow-up session sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR). The two-day workshop and subsequent meeting sought to develop and validate evaluation practices to assess the value of NSF’s investment in broadening participation across all directorates and programs. Invited participants included NSF grantees, professional evaluators, and the policy community (which included representatives from Congress, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), NSF staff, and staff from other federal

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STELAR Webinar: Career Technical Education (CTE): Major trends and connections to STEM


With the resurgence in interest in Career Technical Education (CTE), this webinar provided information about the current state of CTE, CTE’s reach, impact and the current trends in policy and practice at the state and federal levels. By viewing these archived materials, you can learn how to leverage CTE activities and staff in your state to advance the goals of your related projects.

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National Science Foundation Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies (Cyberlearning) Solicitation


The purpose of the Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies program is to integrate opportunities offered by emerging technologies with advances in what is known about how people learn to advance three interconnected thrusts:

Cyber innovation: Developing next-generation cyberlearning approaches through high-risk, high-reward advances in computer and information science and engineering;

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Profile of the Data Practitioner

Curricular Materials

In April 2016, a panel of Big Data experts identified the big data skills, knowledge and behaviors of a "Data Practitioner" that are needed in the workplace. The panelists represent a diverse array of industries, including biotechnology, finance, law enforcement, health care, agriculture, and public policy.This profile will be used by the Oceans of Data Institute and its community college partners–Bunker Hill Community College (MA), Normandale Community College (MN), Johnson County Community College (KS) and Sinclair Community College (OH)–to design and build course and programs leading to big

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National Science Foundation Dear Colleague Letter: Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM Learning and Innovation


Building on NSF's early investments in Making, the purpose of this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) is to encourage EAGER proposals to conduct exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially transformative, research ideas or approaches that advance the frontier of knowledge with respect to STEM learning and design thinking. Specifically, NSF challenges and encourages the community to submit innovative proposals for fundamental research or the integration of research and education that: 

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US Department of Education Impressed by Laboratory School Engineering Curriculum Developed with NSF Support


On Monday, September 12, U.S. Secretary of Education John King visited to the Laboratory School for Advanced Manufacturing in Charlotteville, VA as the first stop on the Opportunity Across America 2016 Bus Tour. Located within the Buford Middle School, the Lab School was developed with NSF support, and serves as a site for internships by preservice teachers from the University of Virginia Curry School of Education. View a video of the visit: http

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STELAR Webinar: ITEST’s STEM Workforce Education Model


NSF ITEST projects are an ideal testbed for researching what it takes to create robust pathways leading towards high-demand technology-centered careers. This webinar presented the results of the STELAR/ITEST Data and Impact Working Group’s efforts to identify the types of data that might be collected by ITEST projects to provide evidence that the program is setting youth on a STEM career trajectory.

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