Career Key


The Career Key test measures the strength of six Holland personality types. These types are based on Holland career choice theory, the one most widely used by professional counselors - and the subject of hundreds of scientific studies. The Career Key test can be taken using paper-pencil or online. Validity and reliability studies have been run on this instrument. provides a link to purchasing the Career Key instrument (both paper-pencil and online versions) in multiple languages as well as various other resources produced by Career Key.

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STEM Career Interest Questionnaire


The STEM Career Interest Questionnaire is a 12-item survey using a Likert scale. Items comprise three scales, measuring perception of supportive environment for pursuing a career in science, interest in pursuing educational opportunities that would lead to a career in science, and perceived importance of a career in science. The links and attached documents provide the instrument as well as documentation for the instrument. Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.

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Recruitment and Retention of Women Graduate Students in Computer Science and Engineering


The report, written by Janice Cuny (U. of Oregon) and William Aspray (CRA), is the result of a workshop that was held in June, 2000. Workshop participants included long-time members of the CSE academic and research communities, social scientists engaged in relevant research, and directors of successful retention efforts. The report's goal is to provide departments with practical advice on recruitment and retention in the form of a set of specific recommendations.

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