“You know you can do this, right?”: Developing geospatial technological pedagogical content knowledge (GS-TPACK) and enhancing teachers’ cartographic behaviors with Socio-Environmental Science Investigations (SESI).


Many barriers exist to K–12 classroom teachers’ adoption and implementation of geospatial technologies with their students. To address this circumstance, we have developed and implemented a geospatial curriculum approach to promote teachers’ professional growth with curriculum-linked professional development (PD) to support the adoption of socio-environmental science investigations (SESI) in an urban school environment that includes reluctant learners. SESI focus on social issues related to environmental science. The pedagogy is inquiry-driven, with students engaged in map-based mobile data

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Call for Proposals: ISTE 2019 Conference


The  International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) welcomes proposals to present at ISTE 2019: Bold Educators Activate Change, to be held in Philadelphia on June 23-26, 2019. 

We seek proposals from educators at any career stage, from all backgrounds and all parts of the world, and we love to see student participation in presentations! We also welcome exhibitor proposals that demonstrate noncommercial uses of technology to transform education.

What makes a good proposal?

ISTE is looking for presentations that:

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Philly Scientists - Biodiversity Project

Curricular Materials

The Philly Scientists project is dedicated to developing innovative science curriculum for in-school and out-of-school programs for middle school students in the West Philadelphia Promise Zone. The website contains insight on curriculum development and an example lesson. The Philly Scientists mobile app was modified from a safari animal tracking tool and walks students through identifying and cataloging neighborhood plants and animals. Local scientists visit the school sites to engage students in discussions about how scientists make good observations and aid in data collection of neighborhood

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Massachusetts K–12 Computer Science Curriculum Guide

Curricular Materials

This guide helps school districts choose the computer science (CS) curricula that best suit their communities’ needs. The guide was developed as part of an initiative for school districts to accelerate the creation of classroom opportunities for learning CS that are standards based, high quality, career relevant, and accessible to all students at all grade levels.

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Gender Equitable Teaching Strategies

Curricular Materials

This resource provides the toolkit to enhance pedagogical approaches for the promotion of gender equity. A number of topics on gender equity in teaching are discussed such as promoting student creativity, critical thinking, and building role models.

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Becoming Technosocial Change Agents: Intersectionality and Culturally Responsive Pedagogies as Vital Resources for Increasing Girls’ Participation in Computing


Drawing from our two‐year ethnography, we juxtapose the experiences of two cohorts in one culturally responsive computing program, examining how the program fostered girls’ emerging identities as technosocial change agents. In presenting this in‐depth and up‐close exploration, we simultaneously identify conditions that both facilitated and limited the program's potential. Ultimately, we illustrate how these findings can enhance anthropological research and practice in youth identity, culturally responsive pedagogies, and computing education.

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National Science Foundation - Instructional Materials Development Program


This document presents the final report on the evaluation of the Instructional Materials Development (IMD) program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and focuses on issues related to the development, dissemination, adoption, implementation, and impact of new instructional materials. The IMD program evaluates products at each step, from product development to classroom use. Instruments are included for evaluating elementary and secondary school science and mathematics materials for classroom use.

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Learning at the Nano-Level: Accounting for Complexity in the Internalization of Secondary STEM Teacher Professional Development


Utilizing a case study research design, the factors that influence teacher learning and change, as well as the processes by which secondary STEM teachers internalize professional development (PD) content, are explored. The authors argue that conceptualizations of teacher learning often do not adequately account for teacher subjectivity and the role of exogenous variables in teacher development. The outcomes of PD are heavily influenced by teacher subjectivity, which includes perceptions, previous knowledge, and the internalization of the power and influence present in educational policy and

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Children’s Motivation Toward Science Across Contexts, Manner of Interaction, and Topic


Understanding the features of science learning experiences that organize and motivate children at early ages can help educators and researchers findways to ignite interest to support future passion and learning in the sciences at a time when children’s motivation is declining. Using a sample of 252 fifth- and sixth-grade students, we systematically explore differences in children’s motivations toward science experiences across context (formal, informal, neutral), manner of interaction (consuming new knowledge, analyzing, action), and topic (e.g., biology, earth science, physics). Motivations

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