Computing Attitudes Survey (CAS)


The Computing Attitudes Survey (CAS) is an extension of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey and measures novice-to-expert attitude shifts about the nature of knowledge and problem solving in computer science. It has five subscales related to different facets of attitudes measured on the survey (transfer, personal interest, problem solving strategies, real world connections, and fixed mindset). Validity and reliability of the CAS has been evaluated with first-year undergraduate students in a variety of classes for both majors and non-majors in computing fields at multiple institutions.

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The Computer Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ)


Computer Attitude Questionnaire (CAQ) is a 65-item Likert instrument for measuring middle school students' attitudes on all Young Children's Computer Inventory subscales plus computer anxiety. The paired-comparisons portion of the Young Children's Computer Inventory is also included on the instrument. CAQ v5.14 4-point scale is recommended for grades 4-8.CAQ v5.22 5-point version is available for high school use; includes all other areas on the CAQ plus a classroom E-mail subscale.Authors provide reliability information.

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Climate Change Attitude Survey (CCAS)


The Climate Change Attitude Survey is composed of 15 Likert-type attitudinal items selected to measure students’ beliefs and intentions toward the environment with a focus on climate change.

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Dialogues with Gensler: Proactive Lifelong Learning


Lifelong learning is a beautiful phrase, full of ambition while remaining conveniently vague. Everyone claims they’re a lifelong learner. But what does that mean, and what does it look like in practice?The second event in a three-part Dialogues with Gensler series—held March 26, 2015 in Chicago—explores what a proactive approach to lifelong learning might look like in both the workplace and in academia. How do we challenge traditional paths to educational success? And how can we promote spaces in our everyday lives that foster collaboration, discovery, and professional development?New

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Science Learning Activation Survey


Designed to be used with 10-14 year olds, the Measuring Activation (MA) instrument was written for use with 10-14 year-old respondents to assess an individual across each of the four dimensions of science learning activation (Fascination, Values, Competency Belief, Scientific Sensemaking). The construct is conceived as semi-malleable and therefore is amenable to intervention. However, we expect that changes in scale scores to only be present for interventions that are at least several days or months in duration, not single hour-long experiences. The survey can be used in longitudinal contexts

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Career Planning Scale


This assessment guides individuals through the actual process counselors use, while increasing people’s career awareness and helping them make more informed decisions. It measures an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in the areas of knowledge of the world of work, self-knowledge, knowledge of occupations, career decision-making, career planning, and career implementation. Individuals gain specific feedback about the areas they need to improve and helpful strategies for furthering their career development.

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Design-based Information Technologies Learning Experience Project for K-12 STEM Outreach


This paper presents the design of the Design-Based Information Technologies Learning Experiences (DITLE) project, a large K-12 STEM outreach project supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). It impacts IT education among six public high schools in a metropolitan area. The designed activities of the project are presented and shared with the education research community to invoke discussion. The project is currently in its first year of a three-year grant period. The lessons and experiences learned so far are also summarized for discussion.

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Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE)


The Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE) measures an individual's degree of belief that he/she can successfully complete tasks necessary to making significant career decisions. The CDSE consists of five subscales measuring the five Career Choice Competencies of John O. Crites' Theory of Career Maturity. The CDSE is available in both a 50-item form and a 25-item short form. It is strongly linked to positive educational and career decisional outcomes.

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