STEM program builds ties between Stanford and East Palo Alto middle school


An innovative course and afterschool mentor program bring lessons from education, design and engineering to a local school. The program complements the charter school’s science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) offerings in a low-pressure, afterschool environment. Focusing on teaching design solutions that emphasize empathy, it has reached about 60 EPAPA students over the last three years, with some returning for a second year.

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Shoot For The Moon! The Mentors and the Middle Schoolers Explore the Intersection of Design Thinking and STEM


This paper describes the journey of a group of university students as they worked with underserved middle school students as mentors in a STEM-based afterschool program. Design thinking provided a frame within which students learned how to be mentors, how to create user-centered learning experiences, and how to share their experiences as developing STEM professionals with middle school students.

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Impact of Environmental Power Monitoring Activities on Middle School Student Perceptions of STEM


Middle school is a crucial stage in student development as students prepare for a fast changing future. The science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills that students acquire in middle school lay the foundation for a successful career in STEM. Moreover, most STEM occupations require competencies in science, math and logical thinking prior to engagement in problem solving. Therefore, it is vital to prepare and develop interest in middle school students to participate in the future STEM workforce. This study examines the impact of hands-on authentic projects on middle school

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Longitudinal analysis of cognitive constructs fostered by STEM activities for middle school students


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the changes found to occur pre- to post intervention in students' cognitive structures continued to persist two years later. Major findings were: 1) higher-order STEM-related constructs established during the treatment year tended to persist two years later, even as component dispositions varied, and 2) gender differences in level of persistence emerged in only one of the four higher-order constructs identified. For the participants taken as a whole, perceptions of science and STEM as a career became more aligned with interest in being a

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Looking for Learning in After-School Spaces


In this study we examined three after-school settings for 8 weeks focusing on storyboarding, chatting on a social network site, videotaped conversations with volunteer facilitators, presentations the youth made at the end of the program, and structured interviews with researchers to look for evidence of learning in afterschool spaces.

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Interest-driven STEM Learning among Youth through a Social Networking Site


Engaging middle school youth in STEM curricula resulting in desired conceptual changes is challenging. Furthermore, social media are identified as platforms where youth naturally congregate for sustained interaction. Studio STEM was designed as an after school programme to engage learners (ages 11–15) in design-based science inquiry within a studio environment, enhanced by social media and digital tools. In the highlighted curriculum, Save the Penguins, youth performed scientific experiments and engineering practices to design an enclosure to protect penguin-shaped ice cubes from rising

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Interest-Driven Learning Among Middle School Youth in an Out-of-School STEM Studio


The concept of connected learning proposes that youth leverage individual interest and social media to drive learning with an academic focus. To illustrate, we present in-depth case studies of Ryan and Sam, two middle-school-age youth, to document an out-of-school intervention intended to direct toward intentional learning in STEM that taps interest and motivation. The investigation focused on how Ryan and Sam interacted with the designed elements of Studio STEM and whether they became more engaged to gain deeper learning about science concepts related to energy sustainability. The

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Working underwater: Bay’s ROV team in action


It’s not every day that you drive underwater; in early May, seven Bay students did just that, operating a Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) at the M.A.T.E. Monterey Bay Regional ROV Contest in Aptos. Returning to the competition for the first time since 2009, Bay’s team competed in the most advanced division of the competition, the RANGER class.

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Cheldelin students plunge into underwater robotics


Cheldelin Middle School students hold a practice session with their underwater robots at Vineyard Mountain Swim Club on Friday, April 18, 2014. The students are preparing for a competition with a robot that performs a series of tasks related to shipwrecks.

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