Students learn about engineering in remotely operated vehicle competition


Teams from six Milwaukee area high schools and five middle schools were challenged to design, build and operate an ROV to identify an unknown shipwreck recently discovered in the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary waters, collect microbial samples and remove trash and debris from the shipwreck and surrounding area, in a “Remotely Operated Vehicle Competition" in Milwalkee, Wisconsin. Eventually, the hope is that these students want to take

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From first graders blogging to teens building underwater robots, District 57 bringing STEM curriculum to life for students of all ages


District 57 is placing a major emphasis on the critical subjects of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM curriculum), through extracurricular offerings and enhanced school-day lessons that help prepare students to be the next generation of leaders in STEM-related fields. STEM curriculum has become a major focus in education, because the subjects play an important role in the high-tech, high-skill global economy that eventually will

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Science chicks engineer underwater vehicle: District 57 club emboldens girls with STEM focus


The Science Chicks, a new club in Mount Prospect School District 57, designed, built and then tested a remote operating vehicle in a recent competition, living the goal of getting more girls interested in science and technology careers. The March contest at the University of Illinois at Chicago involved 26 teams from the area completing various underwater missions as part of "The Great Lakes" theme. They picked up items from the bottom of a pool

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Minooka students compete in underwater robotics competition


Students from Minooka Community High School participated in the Shedd Aquarium Midwest Regional MATE Underwater Robotics Competition, using their self-built underwater robots to complete tasks, such as remove debris from a hole in a simulated underwater wreck, conduct a sonar scan of the wreck, recover a sensor and deploy a new sensor. The 11 students are members of the fledgling ROV, or Remote-Operated Underwater Vehicle Club.

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Robotics Camps, Clubs, and Competitions: Results from a U.S. Robotics Project


Funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has spent the last eight years developing and implementing a comprehensive educational robotics program for youth ages 9-14. The program is delivered in informal (out-of-school) learning environments through robotics camps, clubs, and competitions and has provided robotics experiences to over 5,000 youth and 400 educators.

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Student Attitude Toward STEM


The Student Attitude Toward STEM was developed to indicate students’ attitudes toward STEM, so that educational institutions that are implementing a STEM-based program can ascertain if their program is having the desired influence on their students. The instrument includes 24 items rated on a four-point likert scale measuring three constructs: interest, ability, and valueThe link below provides access to the instrument and information on its development.Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.

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MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation Inventory (MMAMI)


The MUSIC model was developed by Jones (2009) to help instructors better understand how current motivation research and theories can be applied to instruction. The components in the MUSIC model are derived from research and theory as ones that are critical to student engagement in academic settings, including: empowerment, usefulness, success, interest, and caring. The links below provide access to documentation about the instrument. Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.

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Children’s Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (CAIMI)


The Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (CAIMI), published by Psychological Assessment Resources, measures intrinsic motivation for school learning. CAIMI items are based on theories of intrinsic motivation measuring enjoyment of learning; an orientation toward mastery; curiosity; persistence; and the learning of challenging, difficult, and novel tasks. It is a self-report instrument consisting of 44 items, to which children rate their agreement or disagreement. There are five subscales, four being subject-area specific (reading, math, social studies, and science) and one

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