Middle School Self-Efficacy Scale


The Middle School Self-Efficacy Scale is a measure of career decision-making self-efficacy; career decision-making outcome expectancies, intentions, and goals; math and science self-efficacy; and math and science outcome expectancies, intentions, and goals. Items on career decision-making self-efficacy were modified from the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (Taylor & Betz, 1983). Items in the math and science self-efficacy subscale followed the format used in the Math Tasks subscale of the Math/Science Self-Efficacy Scale (Bleschke, 1993; Betz & Hackett, 1983), althought the tasks

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Grit Scale


The Grit Scale is a set of measures designed to measure trait-level perseverance and passion for long-term goals. The Grit Scale comes in a 12-item form and an 8-item form (the Short Grit Scale, or Grit-S), and the 8-item form has been modified for use with children as well. All items are measured on a 5-point Likert scale.

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Draw-a-Scientist Test (DAST)


The Draw-a-Scientist Test is an open-ended projective test that assesses children's conceptual images of scientists. The DAST is evaluated using a 7-point scale based on the presence of the following components in drawing: lab coat, eyeglasses, facial growth of hair, symbols of research, symbols of knowledge, technology & relevant captions.The link provides the DAST, its documentation, and reviews.Authors provide instrument validity and/or reliability information.

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Changes in Attitudes about the Relevance of Science (CARS)


The Changes in Attitudes about the Relevance of Science (CARS) instrument was developed to measure (a) change of science-related attitudes over time among middle school and high school students, and (b) the effect of similar curricula on the attitudes of different classes. This instrument uses 25 items, each using a 5-point Likert scale. There are three forms of this instrument (A, B, and C); these forms share 8 items, and the other 17 items are unique to the form.The link provides both the CARS, its documentation, and its reviews. The attachment includes just the instrument documentation

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CAPA Explore


CAPA Explore is an online series of assessments that allow individuals to explore college majors. It includes an Interest Inventory and a Confidence Inventory. The Interest Inventory yields results in six general categories (enterprising, artistic, social, investigative, conventional, and realistic), each with between 3-9 specific sub-scales correlating to an academic interest area. The Confidence Inventory also yields results in six general categories (social, enterprising, investigative, conventional, artistic, and realistic), each with between 3-7 specific sub-scales correlating confidence

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Assessment of Academic Self-Concept and Motivation (AASCM)


The Assessment of Academic Self-Concept and Motivation (AASCM) was developed in accordance with motivational systems theory. This 80-item assessment is home to 16 subscales (with 5 items per subscale); each item is measured using a 7-point Likert scale. The assessment was grouped according to 4 high school domains: cognitive, social, extracurricular, and personal. The 16 subscales are comprised of 4 measures: cognitive ability, cognity importance, social control, and personal environment, each falling under each of the 4 high school domains.The linked article provides instrument documentation

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Academic Self-Description Questionnaire (ASDQ)


The Academic Self-Description Questionnaire tests students' academic self-concept, as described by the model put forth by Marsh/Shavelson. Seeking information on self-concept by academic subject and grade, this questionnaire uses a 6-item self-concept scale for different subjects. Each item is measured on a 6-point Likert scale.Two forms of the questionnaire have been developed. The Academic Self-Description Questionnaire (ASDQ-1) is used with Grades 5-6 ad focuses on 12 subjects: Spelling, Reading, Handwriting, Social Studies, Computer Studies, Science, Mathematics, Physical Education, Art

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Role Model Videos


Through these role model videos, professionals' real world views and application of math show high school students just how relevant math is to their futures. Filmed on location, professionals tell students about how they use math in their careers and what math meant to them in high school. The role model videos are an important aspect of the"Scaling Up STEM Learning with the VCL" model. Teacher participants in this ITEST project were required to screen videos from this resource and engage their students in discussion about real world use of math and potential interest in STEM occupations. The

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Give girls a chance: building a bridge to science and technology


In Oakland, California, a team of teachers, professional men and women, and educators from the Chabot Space and Science Center are actively engaged in encouraging girls and young women in math, science, and technology. The Techbridge program provides hands-on opportunities for girls in elementary school through high school to explore these key areas and for teachers to participate in subject-specific professional-development opportunities.

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