Engineer Your Life

Curricular Materials

The result of extensive research into the reasons girls are less interested in engineering than boys, Engineer Your Life shows high school girls and adults in their lives how varied and creative engineering can be and what a different engineers make in the lives of others.

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Prime the Pipeline Project (P3): Putting Knowledge to Work


With funding from NSF, the Prime the Pipeline Project (P3) is responding to the need to strengthen the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) pipeline from high school to college by developing and evaluating the scientific village strategy and the culture it creates. The scientific village, a community of high school students, teachers as learners, undergraduate students as mentors, and university scientists as leaders, collaborate to solve challenging long-term problems/projects that develop villagers’ expertise with STEM concepts/skills and give them a taste of the work of

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Winners named in global underwater robot event


The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, the National Science Foundation, and the Marine Technology Society's (MTS) ROV Committee hosted their 13th Annual International Student ROV Competition June 26-28, 2014 at Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (TBNMS) in Alpena, MI, USA.Sixty teams representing middle schools, high schools, home schools, after-school groups, community colleges, and universities from 18 different states and

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NSF Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Principal Investigator & Evaluator Convening 2014


STELAR hosted the NSF Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Principal Investigator & Evaluator Convening on Tuesday, August 19, and Wednesday, August 20, 2014, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. The convening was for active ITEST PIs and evaluators and was an opportunity to share successes, challenges, and lessons learned from the ITEST program. The event preceded the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Principal Investigator Meeting at the Marriott Wardman Park.

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Role Model Videos

Curricular Materials

Through these role model videos, professionals' real world views and application of math show high school students just how relevant math is to their futures. Filmed on location, professionals tell students about how they use math in their careers and what math meant to them in high school. The role model videos are an important aspect of the"Scaling Up STEM Learning with the VCL" model. Teacher participants in this ITEST project were required to screen videos from this resource and engage their students in discussion about real world use of math and potential interest in STEM occupations. The

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STELAR Webinar: Mentoring Models in ITEST Projects


Results from the Management Information System, which collects data from all active ITEST projects about what the projects do and whom they serve, showed that 51% of ITEST projects in the 2013-2014 school year included mentoring of youth participants as one of their project activities. During this webinar we will hear from three such ITEST projects and we’ll explore their mentoring structures, goals, challenges and successes.

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Underrepresented Youth See Science as Ticket Up


A.J. Freeman and Chenoa Hailey, two African-American high school students from Binghamton, New York, discuss their love of astronomy and engineering and their plans to use science as a ticket up. Chenoa and A.J. describe their dreams for the future, which they hope to attain through science

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Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM: A Report on the NSF ITEST Convening


This report outlines the discussions and outcomes of the Advancing Research on Youth Motivation in STEM Convening held at Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA) in September 2011. The convening was hosted by the ITEST Learning Resource Center (LRC) at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC).The Convening focused on two overarching questions: (1) What is currently known about motivation around STEM for underrepresented youth? and (2) What can be done to cultivate new research on STEM motivation for underrepresented youth? It brought together youth participants and principal investigators (PIs)

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